My brother got a summer job in San Jose. He arrives next Friday and starts the following Monday. Anybody know of a good summer sublet in the San Jose area?
And I probably already told you this, but my ex arrives next Saturday for a week. If my user images weren't broken on a:link I could show you, but the "art installation" (quotations mine - as an outsider I may roll my eyes a bit, although maybe I'm just jealous) he and his friends did at Burning Man last year is getting a second showing in SF. So he's coming out for that and to plan for this year's extravaganza.
Re: Batman
This is really an AP story, but I read it in the Chron, so here's the link:

Re: Nymphomaid (e:Metalpeter,653)
Not sure what this is worth, but my co-contractor, Steve, is a 38-year-old not-much-to-write-home-about in the looks department, but still very interesting guy. Oh! But did I mention he's a DJ? And apparently SF is full of 18+ DJ groupie wannabes, not to mention fresh off the boat clueless but beautiful underage girls looking to latch on to someone. Well, I get to hear the stories every day. I offered him the keys to my place in the city for tonight's date. He DJ'd last Friday, and an under 20 Asian "girl" (they're all girls to him, but this one really is a girl) latched on to him. Luckily he was with a couple friends who speak Japanese, so he actually got set up with her, even though she's only been here 5 months and knows approximately 5 words in English. Although it turns out she has a twin sister. I wish I could remember their names, because they're so damn cute you just want to commit hari kari thinking about it.
So tonight he's taking one (or maybe both) of them out for Chicago style pizza in my neighborhood. I can't wait to hear this story tomorrow.
Please video tape it for me. Thats it I moving to SF right now, oh wait I can't DJ. Maybe I could be a hard rock metal DJ. Just from reading that little bit I feal I should go in a room and lock the door and go to work. Lucky guy.
Batwomen. We know from the article that she will be a lesbian. But will she be out to the criminals and will she be out as her alter ego. That is a huge factor. Cause maybe if she isn't out as her alter ego she could be at demonstrations against gays. Then when in costume crimainals could say gay jokes and then she bashes them. The article dosn't say and thing other then that she will be a lesbian. But it dosn't say if she will be out or not. That factors a lot into the story. If she is going to be a lesbian and it isn't part of any of the stories then what is the point really.
wait a sec- you're letting him use your place for the date? Are you going to hide in the closet and spy? I would. ;)
"And apparently SF is full of 18+ DJ groupie wannabes, not to mention fresh off the boat clueless but beautiful underage girls looking to latch on to someone."
That's it. I'm moving to The City.
("DJ AJ" has a nice ring to it, no?)