am i 6 yrs late with that one?
eh well, here's a pink fuck bush anyway
Thesimeon's Journal
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05/17/2006 23:02 #36197
ahem...04/27/2006 16:34 #36196
lifestyleLook, i am not for lifestyle changes. Theres no way in hell i am going to stop drinking or smoking or eating saturated fat, i love that stuff. my problem comes in when people act like they have no treatment options other than to swallow a pill and then act like they have discovered some monumental secret when they institute 'lifestyle changes' for themselves - as if healthcare-professionals are purposely hiding these things from them in order to just sell them a pill.
hodown - 04/27/06 17:18
Im all about the fatness. Actually my favorite part of the steak is the fat.
Im all about the fatness. Actually my favorite part of the steak is the fat.
04/27/2006 12:18 #36195
responseThis is in response to (e:olemanrunin). I was going to write a comment but started to ramble on...
I agree that western medicine never used to pay any lip-service to the vast importance of nutrition in overall health. However, today's health care is trying to take a step in the right direction, albeit, a small one. The first recommendation in any treatment guideline for hypertension, hypercholestremia, etc dictates lifestyle changes on the part of the patient as the first step. Too many people feel that 'western' medicine is based strictly on how many prescriptions physicians can give to people when in reality, patients have almost just as much say in their treatment plan. The problem is, which is easier for people - to take a pill every day or to completely change the way you eat - eat more fiber, eat less salt and saturated fat, more veggies & fruit, less pre-prepared style dinners?
My point is this, people like to label 'western' medicine as an ominous machine that shoves pills down people's throats and kicks them out the back door. In reality, if you have ever tried to talk to a typical patient about lifestyle changes, they might humor you, smile and then ask you to just give them their pills!
I agree that western medicine never used to pay any lip-service to the vast importance of nutrition in overall health. However, today's health care is trying to take a step in the right direction, albeit, a small one. The first recommendation in any treatment guideline for hypertension, hypercholestremia, etc dictates lifestyle changes on the part of the patient as the first step. Too many people feel that 'western' medicine is based strictly on how many prescriptions physicians can give to people when in reality, patients have almost just as much say in their treatment plan. The problem is, which is easier for people - to take a pill every day or to completely change the way you eat - eat more fiber, eat less salt and saturated fat, more veggies & fruit, less pre-prepared style dinners?
My point is this, people like to label 'western' medicine as an ominous machine that shoves pills down people's throats and kicks them out the back door. In reality, if you have ever tried to talk to a typical patient about lifestyle changes, they might humor you, smile and then ask you to just give them their pills!
mrdt - 04/28/06 17:04
actually I know this old lady who puts lithium on her ice cream for kicks.
actually I know this old lady who puts lithium on her ice cream for kicks.
thesimeon - 04/28/06 11:09
if you can find a way to abuse blood pressure meds, or lipitor, or even lithium then i commend you!
...but if you are going to continue arguing the ethics of anti-depressants then write a journal about it, i dont want to start a debate on the matter and that is not what this post is about
if you can find a way to abuse blood pressure meds, or lipitor, or even lithium then i commend you!
...but if you are going to continue arguing the ethics of anti-depressants then write a journal about it, i dont want to start a debate on the matter and that is not what this post is about
mrdt - 04/28/06 00:54
Yes, I know manic refers to the highs and depression refers to the lows. But I was referring to manic depression, which is a bipolar disorder.
I am surrounded by people abusing prescription drugs and it seems to be growing to an epic proportion. People aren't using these drugs to clear up a temporary and mild case of heartburn. they are abusing them to escape the pain of everyday life and it's fucking them up even worse.
Yes, I know manic refers to the highs and depression refers to the lows. But I was referring to manic depression, which is a bipolar disorder.
I am surrounded by people abusing prescription drugs and it seems to be growing to an epic proportion. People aren't using these drugs to clear up a temporary and mild case of heartburn. they are abusing them to escape the pain of everyday life and it's fucking them up even worse.
jenks - 04/27/06 21:17
Haha thanks. I was asking DT to give me a break with his 'the good doctor' comment.
Haha thanks. I was asking DT to give me a break with his 'the good doctor' comment.
thesimeon - 04/27/06 16:25
I suppose i will reply to my own post here - jenks who are you asking to give you a break here? you are reaffirming my posisition!!
I suppose i will reply to my own post here - jenks who are you asking to give you a break here? you are reaffirming my posisition!!
jenks - 04/27/06 15:37
there's nothing wrong with taking "maintenance meds" indefinitely. Sure it's nice not to, but if it's working then leave it alone. some diseases are chronic (diabetes, high blood pressure etc). You don't build up tolerance to SSRIs. And "manic" does not mean "ups and downs". Don't get me wrong. It's good to take care of yourself and try to minimize how many meds you need. but if you need them, take them.
there's nothing wrong with taking "maintenance meds" indefinitely. Sure it's nice not to, but if it's working then leave it alone. some diseases are chronic (diabetes, high blood pressure etc). You don't build up tolerance to SSRIs. And "manic" does not mean "ups and downs". Don't get me wrong. It's good to take care of yourself and try to minimize how many meds you need. but if you need them, take them.
imk2 - 04/27/06 15:18
um, ya. my acid problem was fixed just fine by popping a pill, thank you very much. sometimes it's just that simple. sorry, i'm not altering my lifestyle for some damn heartburn.
um, ya. my acid problem was fixed just fine by popping a pill, thank you very much. sometimes it's just that simple. sorry, i'm not altering my lifestyle for some damn heartburn.
mrdt - 04/27/06 15:14
Ah yes, sorry jenks.
I have to say though I'm really worried about the drugs doctors are prescribing for depression. I realize that they correct imbalances but doesn't that mean you have to take them for life to feel good. and what happens when you start to build a tolerance. I used to have depression... really, really bad ups & downs (like manic). I beat it through lifestyle changes.
Ah yes, sorry jenks.
I have to say though I'm really worried about the drugs doctors are prescribing for depression. I realize that they correct imbalances but doesn't that mean you have to take them for life to feel good. and what happens when you start to build a tolerance. I used to have depression... really, really bad ups & downs (like manic). I beat it through lifestyle changes.
jenks - 04/27/06 14:43
Oy cut me some slack. Of course lifestyle change is the way to go, but people aren't willing to do it. I've had 350lb women come to me b/c they want to lose weight. And we talk a little, and I say "well are you willing to change your diet and exercise?" and they look at me like I have two heads and say "no. But I'll take a pill!" One hefty (african american) woman was gently encouraged to eat more fish and vegetables, and she said "naw.... that's white person food!" And finally- yes, adjusting diet may decrease GERD symptoms. But it generally cannot eliminate the underlying problem. The PPIs actually decrease acid production. I'm all for healthy eating, but that doesn't mean there is something "bad" or "wrong" with medication. (and I was being facetious when I told Ryan to just take pepcid.)
Oy cut me some slack. Of course lifestyle change is the way to go, but people aren't willing to do it. I've had 350lb women come to me b/c they want to lose weight. And we talk a little, and I say "well are you willing to change your diet and exercise?" and they look at me like I have two heads and say "no. But I'll take a pill!" One hefty (african american) woman was gently encouraged to eat more fish and vegetables, and she said "naw.... that's white person food!" And finally- yes, adjusting diet may decrease GERD symptoms. But it generally cannot eliminate the underlying problem. The PPIs actually decrease acid production. I'm all for healthy eating, but that doesn't mean there is something "bad" or "wrong" with medication. (and I was being facetious when I told Ryan to just take pepcid.)
mrdt - 04/27/06 14:33
well not to beat a dead horse with a stick... follow this link to a post written be a sufferer of acid reflux. :::link:::
Now without any real diagnosis into the problem that is causing decoy heartburn look at what the good doctor prescribes:
"bah... just take some pepcid. ;) Or protonix/prilosec if you need to bump it up a notch."
While this may help it's a temporary fix to a bigger problem. People can't be fixed by popping a pill.. they need to make healthy lifestyle changes.
well not to beat a dead horse with a stick... follow this link to a post written be a sufferer of acid reflux. :::link:::
Now without any real diagnosis into the problem that is causing decoy heartburn look at what the good doctor prescribes:
"bah... just take some pepcid. ;) Or protonix/prilosec if you need to bump it up a notch."
While this may help it's a temporary fix to a bigger problem. People can't be fixed by popping a pill.. they need to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Let's disgard the fact that it was late, just that you showed up at all. Very nice. Somewhere there's a bumper sticker in need of that slogan