What year are you in? Just entering in 2006 year?
Thesimeon's Journal
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04/26/2006 18:40 #36192
Littlecupcake...04/24/2006 22:51 #36191
GO HERE!!! YOU'LL LAUGH03/30/2006 20:38 #36190
I havent updated in a whileBut i will soon now that paul lets us upload music files.
06/26/2005 16:12 #36189
ladycroft....thats an easy one. its fibonacci's sequence...0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 and so on. If you take the ratio of of the numbers it comes out as either 0.6180339887 or 1.6180339887. If you draw a vertical line at your navel, your top half:your bottom half=0.6180339887 or if you draw a line at your elbow the top half:bottom half = 0.6180339887 and it just goes on. Its not just humans either, the pattern of seeds in a sunflower also follow this pattern as do many, many things in nature.
i *heart* math
i *heart* math
06/27/2005 22:57 #36188
>:oSo apparently no one reads what i write.....??????
it's because i finished one of my journals by saying 'lata suckas' isn't it?
it's because i finished one of my journals by saying 'lata suckas' isn't it?
I read it. I found it very interesting. I almost posted a comment adding that you must have a) a lot of trivial knowledge or b) a lot of free time. Either way, Fibonacci is cool and I had forgotten that the human body follows the pattern.
I give you credit man!