last night we went bar hopping and there was a homeless man that came in mumbling and shouting and waving frantically. the bar tender told him to leave and he left immediately. phil and i went and told him to come back in so he did. i asked what he wanted and he said a shot of jack daniels. all the kids were staring in what i could only imagine was disbelief. i bought him a shot and he was happy. he sat down in the bar stool. i was trying to talk to him but was not getting to terribly far as he talked to fast and mumbled his words so badly. then the bartender told him to get out again. so again he left without a problem. so i asked for another shot and the barkeep said 'not if youre going to bring it out to him' and I said i wasnt and he said 'yeah i super-believe you' so he gave me a shot and i brought it out to sylvester and we talked more. then the bartend told my friends that we werent allowed in there anymore.
big loss
Thesimeon's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/13/2006 21:51 #36202
never again allowed to drink in the pink05/26/2006 00:14 #36201
day at sedona05/23/2006 23:15 #36200
Phoenix, day 1Here we are in fountain hills, our first day. We had a hell filled second flight - lots of turbulence and i thought i was going to throw up right after landing not to mention the awful JFK-sized headache i had.
Oh yeah and we woke up at 4:30 to catch our 6:20 flight.
Then Jho forgot that we were coming and she was working so she had her friend pick us up and drop us off at the Fashion Square mall in Scotsdale. We wandered around for 4 hours in a mall in one of the richest sections of the city. Oh the fake tits and tans were flying like bats out of hell.
Oh yeah and we were going to bring JHo some italian sweet peppers that she cannot get out here and (i wont name names here) but some absent minded monkey left them on the very last flight in. arg...

Oh yeah and we woke up at 4:30 to catch our 6:20 flight.
Then Jho forgot that we were coming and she was working so she had her friend pick us up and drop us off at the Fashion Square mall in Scotsdale. We wandered around for 4 hours in a mall in one of the richest sections of the city. Oh the fake tits and tans were flying like bats out of hell.
Oh yeah and we were going to bring JHo some italian sweet peppers that she cannot get out here and (i wont name names here) but some absent minded monkey left them on the very last flight in. arg...

05/18/2006 11:35 #36199
ImportantThere are about 550 million cellular telephones (mobile phones to those in the know) waiting to go into landfill. Only about 1% of those will be recycled!
Recycling is a learned behavior
learn it now!
if you have an old phone that you are just going to throw out... DONT!!!
Go here,
Not only are you recycling your phones, pagers, PDA's and whatever else, which contain so much harmfull compounds, but the company recycles the phone and sends a portion of the profits to charity.
And depending on which charity, they might even pay for shipping!
Recycling is a learned behavior
learn it now!
if you have an old phone that you are just going to throw out... DONT!!!
Go here,

Not only are you recycling your phones, pagers, PDA's and whatever else, which contain so much harmfull compounds, but the company recycles the phone and sends a portion of the profits to charity.
And depending on which charity, they might even pay for shipping!
libertad - 05/24/06 11:13
Hey thanks for the info...I have been meaning to ask you all about this. Do you know where to recycle other items? I have this camera battery that was $50 that I dropped and broke. It has been on my desk for a while as I'm not sure what to do with it.
Hey thanks for the info...I have been meaning to ask you all about this. Do you know where to recycle other items? I have this camera battery that was $50 that I dropped and broke. It has been on my desk for a while as I'm not sure what to do with it.
05/18/2006 00:14 #36198
yeeezzz da late night retreat////YEEeessss...........well this may not be late for most
but for me, 'tis
new user pic iz da hypertrochoid a.k.a. the spirograph
spent last 3 hours on you tube dddot com
fun toy but i feel like i jus shot lasers into me eyes
but for me, 'tis
new user pic iz da hypertrochoid a.k.a. the spirograph
spent last 3 hours on you tube dddot com
fun toy but i feel like i jus shot lasers into me eyes
Never been there, but from what I understand there some illegal drinking going on there and yet they ban you for buying some guy a drink that is insane. If that guy is a problem all the bartender should have said is that they have had problems with that guy and not to buy him a drink or something, crazzy story anyways.
Sorry, as an appendix, I then remember this Sylvester getting totally clean for a while, and having some pretty interesting conversations with him while he lived in the halfway house across the street from me (& Pano's). Anyway, he was a super cool intelligent dude sober....then a few months later, back to yelling at cars on Forest/Elmwood....alas
First, yeah I totally agree with Mike - who the hell gets banned from the Pink? They let anyone in there.... that's awesome! And also, I wonder if that's the same Sylvester that I used to know from the like 8-10 years ago (wow, that long since I lived on Elmwood) but at that point he roamed between the psych center and we never close mostly, although I do recall seeing him down by allen occasionally - exboyfriend got drugs from him once I ended up taking him to the ER.... good times!!!
who gets banned from the Pink?? I love it!
yo I think thats my favorite street dude!
(If he's the same guy)
He likes Greek Burgers at the diner on the corner