This is in response to
(e:olemanrunin). I was going to write a comment but started to ramble on...
I agree that western medicine never used to pay any lip-service to the vast importance of nutrition in overall health. However, today's health care is trying to take a step in the right direction, albeit, a small one. The first recommendation in any treatment guideline for hypertension, hypercholestremia, etc dictates lifestyle changes on the part of the patient as the first step. Too many people feel that 'western' medicine is based strictly on how many prescriptions physicians can give to people when in reality, patients have almost just as much say in their treatment plan. The problem is, which is easier for people - to take a pill every day or to completely change the way you eat - eat more fiber, eat less salt and saturated fat, more veggies & fruit, less pre-prepared style dinners?
My point is this, people like to label 'western' medicine as an ominous machine that shoves pills down people's throats and kicks them out the back door. In reality, if you have ever tried to talk to a typical patient about lifestyle changes, they might humor you, smile and then ask you to just give them their pills!
Hey thanks for the info...I have been meaning to ask you all about this. Do you know where to recycle other items? I have this camera battery that was $50 that I dropped and broke. It has been on my desk for a while as I'm not sure what to do with it.