After a long week, Friday night presented an opportunity to unwind.
(e:pyrcedgrrl) and I ventured out to city Spot coffee. Our attempts to alter our state of mind with large quantities of caffeinated beverages proved to be a fruitless effort. We assessed our options and chose to up the ante and proceed straight on to full scale debauchery of the alcoholic variety...
The kind you find at Cathode Ray when Jim is bartending. Best $6.25 return on investment ever.
(moi) "I am a chreap dunk" --- two drinks substantiated this eloquant expression.
Later.. taking a walk..The line from point A to point B is not necessarily a straight one. I vaguely recall going to the car to grab my cloves, but they remain unopened. We found the camera and made multiple attempts to take pictures of ourselves. Plenty of partial head shots, pictures of the sky and pavement. However a few interesting shots made it. See, at this point I had easily succumbed to the power of suggestion.
Rummaging through the trunk (why was this, again?) --
epyrcedgrrl: "Look,a tarp. Lets bring it with us"
(e:theecarey): "ok" (pulls it from trunk..)
I am not sure how far I got with the tarp, but it made perfect sense at the time.
same with the ass shot "take a picture of my butt!":
Eventually we wandered down Allen with no forseen destination. Walking, talking, laughing, looking into the shops..
(e:theecarey): "Look at that picture! I had one growing up.."
(e:pyrcedgrrl): "which one?"
(e:theecarey) (pointing to a picture inside an antique shop on Allen) "The octangular one" (it was oval)
A very short visit to Mulligans:
I suddenly needed Ketchup. Dana knew just where to find "Vehicles for Ketchup"..
Off to Jims SteakOut..
(I normally don't like to work this hard for my food)
(Lovin' the Ketchup tonight)
Dana loves her, um.. what is that? What is that white stuff exploded all over the front of your shirt?? Let me taste.. yup, its The Money Shot
(blue cheese).
And so we filled our bellies and made our way back down to the car. Before heading home we made a stop at Diablo. I refused to get out of the car, having no desire to consort with the Angsty Crew (I love them, but I must be full on drunk). So we sat in the car while multiple Goths begged and slit wrists for our company. Eventually the call of the darkness called them back into the morbid abyss, and we were able to "escape". hahahah Maybe next time, my morose minions :)
i never even mentioned AJs.. so shouldnt I be the one concerned about you???
You talk about those bars (IE: AJ's) WAYYYYY too much. I think it's about time for an intervention.
I'll call the reality shows! :D
((e:metalpeter)) Oh yeh, there was this time, when i was at band camp.. yes I have a warped sense of humor and all that is in the Pie movies make my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. Great lines and I love the follow through of humor from movie to movie. I have rented them all numerous times and had finally went out and purchased all three. I was just wondering whether another Pie would come out, and what it could possibly be. Band Camp would be fitting, especially since the other movies barely alluded to sexual knowledge attained in the camp..
ps.Thanks for the compliment
((e:pyrcedgrrl)) :You know I only save Genny for extra special occasions... so come on ovah.. you me and a couple of 40s; aweeeee yeah. Got some puddin' too. Maybe we can take ourselves a drive through the Falls, stop in and see some of our Home fries. Cruisers? Frankies? hehe
You know you want to.
Can't get by without your Genny Cream Ale, hmm?
Watching 3 American Pie Movies in a row, wow that is intense. All 3 are great but I don't know if I could handle them all back to back. It is good to know that I most likely can't say anything in front of you that would offend you since you find all that gross humor funny. I rented the first or was it second one to listen to the comentaries and to see the extra unrated stuff but none of the comentaries would work they froze my DVD player. Not sure if it was my DVD player or all the scracths and Handprints and nicks from other renters, or a combination of that and my DVD player. I heard a rummor of a 4th movie It is Called "American Pie Band Camp" One of the girls in it is in Playboy. I don't know if it went or is comming out to the theater soon or if it is one of those stright to video things. It is more of a spinoff. Nice web cam shots by the way.