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Theecarey's Journal

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10/20/2005 21:47 #35816

not running
Category: open
Today was a challenge to stay awake. I was soooo tired.

Yesterday, I woke up tired after having some seriously restless sleep the night before. After work I headed out to West Seneca to have my hair colors touched up, so I was quiet and chilled while (e:lilho) did her thing. As always, thanks you :)

And soo, I got in a but late.. couldn't fall asleep.. when I did sleep, it was sweet dreams and the few hours I did have, flew by. The alarm clock rang too soon.

Super duper tired yet in a silly goofy mood, I managed to get through the work day. What a joy to have to go in extra early for team meetings and stay late for yet another meeting. Shortly therafter I headed to school. We had a sub teacher and I seriously thought about leaving early. And... so did a bunch of other people. Funny thing is, there are only 15 of us, so when break came along, about seven of us left.

It was good to leave. I have never left early or missed a class. But, I was sooooooo tired and cold and I did not want to fall asleep on the way home.

And..ya know that feeling when you are all curled up in bed on a cold morning, snuggled deep under the comfy blankets.. its so cold outside, yet you are perfectly warm and fuzzy under neath it all.. and you just don't want that feeling to ever ever end. Perfection, sweetness..
yeh, it was just like that.
metalpeter - 10/21/05 18:15
That warm cozy fealing is great. But I can only have that on saturday. I do that during the week and then I wouldn't get to work or if I did I would be late. I'm glad I don't have to go to meetings anymore and meeting before and after regular hours sounds even less fun. During work hours you atleast get to not do work for a little bit.

10/16/2005 23:59 #35815

laugh lines
Category: good times
From start to finish,a most wonderful day.

Met two fabulous, intelleigent, energetic ladies at (e:paul)'s brainstorming session, Katie and Janelle. I look forward to meeting up again soon! We barely got "officially" started when I had to leave (a half hour early). For next time, I will set aside as many hours as needed. I am thoroughly impressed with the organized and thorough nature of the creative problem solving session. Kudos!

It was hot, it was cold, the rain held out..

with coffee, pop, twizzlers and chex mix, (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) got comfy on a sleepingbag and cheered on the fierce South Buffalo Rugby boys... woo!

a few pics from Saturday's Rugby game with South Buffalo RFC Thugs vs Cortland Homer RFC Thundering Herd [inlink]sbrugger,13[/inlink].

So much action!! For sports photography, this camera doesn't cut it.

the dynamic duo: Carey and Timika

yep, those would be pink pom poms with tinfoil, made a la McGuiver style, produced en route to game. Passerby-ers were loving it. Cheers!

I smiled and laughed so hard that I think I formed my first laugh line!

theecarey - 10/18/05 23:18
(e:pyrcedgrrl) ... as I have managed to say to you all evening long: "asshole"
pyrcedgrrl - 10/18/05 21:09
Wonder if Aeropostale does. *ponders* You know, it's right across from the food court next to Hallmark, The Gap and Old Navy.

OOh, maybe I do have some unaddressed mall issues.
theecarey - 10/17/05 18:07
Little Miss (e:pyrcedgrrl) you worry me. I think it is time for an intervention, or atleast a serious butt kicking. Last time you dragged me to the Grand Mass of Concrete Commercial Madness, you not only knew where to park but *just so happened* to know the layout of the entire mall. AFter my initial reaction of disgust and feelings of betrayal, you gave me some placating excuse and I bought it. NO MORE!!! And I thought I knew you. *shakes head*
You have Pervasive Mall Shopping tendencies. The first step is to admit you have a problem. Get help now before it turns into a full blown disorder. Your life, your family, your friends, your sanity and your bank account are counting on you to drop seek help. Malls are no good. Really, Malls are no good (repeat until you believe it).
Besides, I don't think The GAP makes straight jackets, anyway.
sbrugger - 10/17/05 10:12
Three cheers for the best supporter ever!!


pyrcedgrrl - 10/17/05 00:15
This journal is now officially dubbed, "Tales of the Aeropostale Unibomber"

Can't wait to go shopping. Just you, Me and the Mall.


Shut up. You know you love it.

10/13/2005 20:26 #35814

Category: birthdays
so many birthdays this month..

Allow me a Birthday shout out to

(e:lilho), (e:southernyankee), (e:tina), (e:terry)'s dad and....

(e:pyrcedgrrl) wo000000000000000!

[size=xl]Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]

hope I didn't miss anyone :)




pyrcedgrrl - 10/15/05 01:57
Spanks!! :)

10/12/2005 17:19 #35813

Essesntial Elements
Category: nature
So I have a few minutes before I must tackle some school readings and a paper. I came staight home from work instead of heading out to the park to run around as I normally would. Maybe later I will go for a brisk walk around town. I like the night..

Yesterday I took a bunch of pics. I am a big fan of wood. I am not sure what the fascination is, but I am drawn to it. I love my green space, water and woods. I do what I can with my digital camera and have thousands of pictures to sort through and print someday; and this number will continue to grow as my favorite time to photograph is in the fall. I will post some wood pics in a few days. I would love to get out to Letchworth.

Any advice on whether I should print them myself or take them somewhere? I have many of people, animals and nature, on disk and on the hard drive.

yesterdays fresh air... It is the most amazing smell.. fresh earth.. the scent of fall. I can't breath it in deep enough. Come out and view the scenery and smell the air..


Going down the staircase to my secret pier

coming back up..





metalpeter - 10/12/05 18:42
I will be honest I've never done the math of if it is cheaper to print at home or at walmart or walgreens. At home it dosn't cost you anything. But when you run out of color ink that is very expensive to replace and once the ink gets low then the pictures look bad. They look fine on regular paper. Not sure if they look better on Photo paper or not. I go to walgreens when they I have a coupon for 19 cent prints. I havn't done it yet but both walgreens and Walmart have a way that you can upload them to there site and pick them up. I think wal-mart is like 15 cents a picture and 17 if you pick them up. I remember checking out Snapfish and a couple cheaper places on line but then you have to pay for shipping and handling. Some people do prefer to print them out at home with a photo printer. I would say look into Walmart, Walgreens, Snapfish, and shutterfly, then there are two companies one of wich is clark color labs but you have to send them you media. I think yahoo might print pics also. Also ask other people to what way ther prefer.
theecarey - 10/12/05 18:00
  • deep plotting on the niagara river* You know me too well..
pyrcedgrrl - 10/12/05 17:52
Aeropostale Unibomber Terrorizes Youngstown! News at 11!

10/11/2005 22:15 #35812

sharin gthe quiz
snagged from a quiz in (e:ladycrofts) journal

  • The keys to your heart**

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

  • How you are in love**
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You tend to give more than take in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.