Thanks to Wilma, I got a call on Saturday saying I'll be working FEMA starting this week. My schedule is Mon-Sat 3:00PM-11:30PM. Blah. I get to sleep in, but this is one week where that Friday and Saturday night are seriously gonna hamper my partyability (truthfully maybe it's a good thing that I don't start drinking til midnight...i dunno).
Here is an article that lists a bunch of "hygeine" products and some potential side effects.

It is pretty scary when you consider that these products are barely tested and yet the "average" American uses 9 or so a day. The real problem is the so called "cocktail effect" - the daily mixing of many different types of products. This is yet another excuse for me to maintain my uncouthness. I think I only use 2 products: soap and tooth paste. I guess if you count the several soaps I use because of public bathrooms that total might rise a bit. But in the end I'd rather be a little stinky than a little poisoned.
I couldn't sleep at all last night either and I felt like I was in some maniacal rerun of mad and the Pink elephant drink scene from Dumbo. I too was running away from an attacker and narrowly escape to wake and fall into restless sleep where it all happens again. I hope and pray for us both for different results this evening.
Hmm. I haven't played any violent video games in a while yet recently I have had dreams of myself and others killing the shit out of some Islamo-fascist assholes. I kept on running out of ammo though because I was too keen on popping caps off.
Hm, too many video games and japanese books?!
Hmm, what are you running from Terry?