Went to this funny rave-thingie sat. night with (e:paul) and jesse f. [inlink]paul,2438[/inlink] Danced my heart out. Yes, and if you look at those pics you will notice that we were on average 5-10 years older than just about everyone there. But, I say let the kids have their fun. And I'm still a kid right? Well I danced and danced and danced some more (decided that I really do like to dance, though I try to pretend I don't). It really is tremendous exercize if you really do it for a while (especially the type of freako-rave dancing that we were doing (ask (e:lilho) to demonstrate some time)).
Alas, it seemed to work backwards. I came back and noticed I had gained about 50 pounds. Not sure how it happened. Maybe the strange thing that was slipped into my drink had something to do with it... maybe not eating at McKeyD's...maybe not doing those handstand push-ups...who knows. So if you see me rolling through town, take it as a word of caution against extreme exercize. And get yo fat ass some double arch surprises.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/22/2004 14:47 #35664
Dancing backwards11/20/2004 04:24 #35663
Not hampered at allby beat box fiendsters
by empty ice cream
left upon the chair
melting as are we
coops still a coop
made from lively fowl
chicken little runs
and republicans beware
three toilets to choose from
beeboppin on the roof
mary ari jarel
buddha does as buddha is
lies atop his bosom buddy
sleepy stroking
halfelt tickles
remember the jazz
forget your friends
remeber the friends
forget the jazz
someone is watching over
maybe with a microphone
watchout don't eat those brains
stewarts here, look what i can do
by empty ice cream
left upon the chair
melting as are we
coops still a coop
made from lively fowl
chicken little runs
and republicans beware
three toilets to choose from
beeboppin on the roof
mary ari jarel
buddha does as buddha is
lies atop his bosom buddy
sleepy stroking
halfelt tickles
remember the jazz
forget your friends
remeber the friends
forget the jazz
someone is watching over
maybe with a microphone
watchout don't eat those brains
stewarts here, look what i can do
11/16/2004 21:00 #35662
Louching away the days
I am so louche today! (said with the voice from that funny WTF movie, or Ali G's Borat or Brüno. It has suddendly become chorenight at 567. Got (e:matthew) and (e:lilho) gettin' jiggy wid da dishes and vaccuum respectively ((e:paul) is here too, doing the difficult task of drying the dishes). I am trying to not be drawn in. I took up a broom for a bit, watered the plants, and rearranged things slightly. Now I am hoping no one notices me here in the corner typing away. Thank you elmwoodstrip, take me away <zooooooom>.
11/16/2004 10:15 #35661
Is this really going to happen?Here is the Schedule of Service Impacts for B&ECPL Patrons Under Erie County's Proposed 2005 Red Budget:
Last day to borrow and renew materials
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Return all B&ECPL materials by
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
All book drops will be closed after
Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Tell your elected officials how important YOUR library is to YOU. Without your support, public library service could end in Buffalo and Erie County! The Erie County Legislature has announced its schedule of 4 public hearings on the proposed 2005 Erie County Budget:
Monday, November 22, 6 p.m.
Lancaster Middle School Auditorium
148 Aurora, Lancaster
Tuesday, November 23, 6 p.m.
Erie Community College City Campus Auditorium
121 Ellicott, Buffalo
Monday, November 29, 6 p.m.
Erie Community College South Campus Room 5101
4041 Southwestern, Orchard Park
Tuesday, November 30, 6 p.m.
Clarence Public Library
Three Town Place, Clarence
Join advocates from across Erie County in a collective effort to keep OUR public libraries from closing in 2005!

Last day to borrow and renew materials
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Return all B&ECPL materials by
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
All book drops will be closed after
Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Tell your elected officials how important YOUR library is to YOU. Without your support, public library service could end in Buffalo and Erie County! The Erie County Legislature has announced its schedule of 4 public hearings on the proposed 2005 Erie County Budget:
Monday, November 22, 6 p.m.
Lancaster Middle School Auditorium
148 Aurora, Lancaster
Tuesday, November 23, 6 p.m.
Erie Community College City Campus Auditorium
121 Ellicott, Buffalo
Monday, November 29, 6 p.m.
Erie Community College South Campus Room 5101
4041 Southwestern, Orchard Park
Tuesday, November 30, 6 p.m.
Clarence Public Library
Three Town Place, Clarence
Join advocates from across Erie County in a collective effort to keep OUR public libraries from closing in 2005!

11/13/2004 01:22 #35660
Cen u spel? Livejournal, what!!!Anyone else in da' house mucho impressed by (e:paul) and his awesome spellcheck?!? Over time it has been perfected until it is quite possibly the most user-friendly and least inconvenient spellcheckers I have ever used. It lets you see the misspelled words and then simply click on the correct suggestion to have it automatically replaced in your entry. No typing on your part... a handy list of suggestions if the closest one just isn't it... and a nice colorful interface to boot.
I told (e:paul) maybe it's time to market this baby. I decided to look around for other comparable services to see what was to offer. Hotmail
didn't even offer spellcheck (unless it's something you have to pay for). Livejournal
has one, but it sucks muchissimo. Take a look:

Crappy, eh? They highlight the misspelled in red and then give you a list containing the words and suggestions. No handy little interface. No clickable suggestions. You actually have to type your own words in, how uncivilized... So if anyone else has praise feel free to share. And, of course, (e:paul) is always available to hear concerns/bugs/suggestions from any of you lovely peeps or peeps-to-be.
sidenote: I just wrote a rant about an hour ago, so take a looksee...
I told (e:paul) maybe it's time to market this baby. I decided to look around for other comparable services to see what was to offer. Hotmail

Crappy, eh? They highlight the misspelled in red and then give you a list containing the words and suggestions. No handy little interface. No clickable suggestions. You actually have to type your own words in, how uncivilized... So if anyone else has praise feel free to share. And, of course, (e:paul) is always available to hear concerns/bugs/suggestions from any of you lovely peeps or peeps-to-be.
sidenote: I just wrote a rant about an hour ago, so take a looksee...