That last rant down below there is maybe less than precisely precise, I suppose... As usual Paul has to take our little discussion and blow it up until the side I'm on is killing the jews. The point I was trying to make is that the lines that scientists' have drawn around certain things to classify them are arbitrary. When you break it down we are simply using a catalog system to help us better understand the way things work and how they got to be that way, Let's take a library as an example. The books there are currently arranged along the lines of good ole' Dewey's Decimal System. It works just great, but it's not the only way we could classify them, we could stack them all according to color or size, or by authorname.yearpublished.genre.etc. We use Dewey's system because it helps us to find what we're looking for, not because it is inherent in the nature of books to be stacked that way. All science is like that, and the history of science is just chock full of mistakes we've made (or better put, classifications that weren't optimized for maximum usefulness) and later fixed or rearranged.
So is a polyp an animal and not a plant. As the word is currently defined by most scientists (animals generally move, eat, have no cell wall, etc) then perhaps yes. But that's not the point. The point is, as quoted from wikipedia

"The actual boundaries between animals and plants are artificial; they are rather due to the ingenious analysis of the systematist than actually resident in objective nature." Couldn't have said it better myself. So now let me get back to killing babies or committing genocide with my atrocious beliefs.
Oh yeah...check out the Yesmen if you want a pretty funny documentary. Bunch of guys play some neat little parnks on the evil of evils, the WTO (with unfortunately and amazingly little surprise or astonishment garnered). 'Sat the market arcade
and WHOA! Arafat is dead and Ashcroft has resigned. The effects of both are still up in the air. Alberto Gonzales

may be no soul-singing good-ole-boy patriot like Johnny but he's no angel (remember the wonderful "draft memo on the treatment of prisoners that called some of the Geneva Convention provisions on prisoner treatment 'quaint'"?). And who will/can replace Arafat? More war all around for everybody. Whoopie!