I voted along moral lines, guys, I have to admit it. I was a part of the single largest voting bloc whose vote was determined by a single issue. For me it comes down to the kids. Do we want them seeing everybody in this country enjoying the same rights? Of course not, there are bad people (whose lifestyles/actions go against our most core beliefs) and good people. Bad people should not have the same opportunities as good people. Take Sadaam Hussein, did he really deserve to rule and terrorize Iraq? No way! That's why it is up to the good guys to come clean up the mess he made by installing a good leader/government and wiping away the rest of the bad people who don't want freedom. In our own country we have people who are gay. Now I'm not saying it's their fault (though I had a cousin once who got fixed) but do all the normal good people out there have to bow down to their special needs? Do we have to let them tarnish our sacred institutions? Of course not, that's why we get to vote.
Now there was a question about if it's okay to monitor terrorist suspects posed by (e:ajay) , to which (e:foxygirl) stated that "no homeland security = no America" (a statement to which I heartily agree). You see (e:ajay) we don't have to monitor everybody. Good law-abiding citizens can go about their business with no fear of the government, only bad people have to be worried. And if you're a bad person living in this good country, America, all you need to do to get the rights we allow to you is follow our rules and be good. And if you're not, then there's a nice warm spot in hell with your buddy Sadaam and the Al Qaeda bunch waiting for you in Hell.
sidenote: The Swan kicks ass!