Went to this funny rave-thingie sat. night with
(e:paul) and jesse f. [inlink]paul,2438[/inlink] Danced my heart out. Yes, and if you look at those pics you will notice that we were on average 5-10 years older than just about everyone there. But, I say let the kids have their fun. And I'm still a kid right? Well I danced and danced and danced some more (decided that I really do like to dance, though I try to pretend I don't). It really is tremendous exercize if you really do it for a while (especially the type of freako-rave dancing that we were doing (ask
(e:lilho) to demonstrate some time)).
Alas, it seemed to work backwards. I came back and noticed I had gained about 50 pounds. Not sure how it happened. Maybe the strange thing that was slipped into my drink had something to do with it... maybe not eating at McKeyD's...maybe not doing those handstand push-ups...who knows. So if you see me rolling through town, take it as a word of caution against extreme exercize. And get yo fat ass some double arch surprises.