I spent hours today talking to strangers on the phone (and anyone who knows me can tell you just how much I love talking on the phone), looking for a home.
Aber Erfolg!
Well not in finding a place but in setting up a battery of apartment showings, and yes (e:Ajay), thanks to the kind ad placed in Artvoice by Bing (who wouldn't want a landlord named Bing?), we will be upstairs from you at 2:30 on Saturday.
We will also be viewing 6 other places on Saturday, and 5 more on Friday! Fun Fun Fun! And if after 14 apts. if we can't find one we like then I guess there's always that cozy little niche under the bridge in Delaware park (just me and my echoes...).
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/02/2004 22:04 #35667
phone phun with strangers12/01/2004 15:09 #35666
Soon to hear voicesAccording to a new study
smoking marijuana during early adulthood increases the user's chances of developing "psychotic symptoms." Watch out you pot-head mofos. Makes sense to me. Makes your mind free and such, you think of different things along different pathways. But who's defining psychosis anyways? What if you hear a voice and it tells you where a pot of gold is. Are you psycho only if the gold really isn't there?
sidenote: we're moving, anyone have any suggestions of where to?

sidenote: we're moving, anyone have any suggestions of where to?
11/24/2004 20:22 #35665
laid off and laid backAs of yesterday 4:00 I became officially laid off. I am seasonal so it's not a horrible thing and wasn't unexpected. Now I sit back and collect my unemployment for a couple months. This is the first time I've been laid off for the whole winter though, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with myself. Today I slowly let the hours waste away. Played some video games. Made some food. Left the house to take Paul to work. Left the house to get Paul from work 5 minutes later cuz he didn't really have to be there. Responded to some long overdue emails. Exhausted my Bookmarks. Ate some more food. Well I guess you get the picture. In summer I would have at least wandered around for awhile or gone on a bikeride. But it's cold and raining now, and oh god this is inevitably turning into a fuck-it's-winter-in-Buffalo entry, sorry.
Gotta pick up my crocheting. And when it snows I'll start skiing. Cooking has already started coming back to the foreground (yay for hungry-tummies).
What am I doing tonight? The BIGGEST PARTY NIGHT OF THE YEAR!!! Will probably be out and about somewhere. Maybe I'll see some of yall. Have fun, and remember you have to be out of bed by noon to go and get stuffed.
Gotta pick up my crocheting. And when it snows I'll start skiing. Cooking has already started coming back to the foreground (yay for hungry-tummies).
What am I doing tonight? The BIGGEST PARTY NIGHT OF THE YEAR!!! Will probably be out and about somewhere. Maybe I'll see some of yall. Have fun, and remember you have to be out of bed by noon to go and get stuffed.
11/22/2004 14:47 #35664
Dancing backwardsWent to this funny rave-thingie sat. night with (e:paul) and jesse f. [inlink]paul,2438[/inlink] Danced my heart out. Yes, and if you look at those pics you will notice that we were on average 5-10 years older than just about everyone there. But, I say let the kids have their fun. And I'm still a kid right? Well I danced and danced and danced some more (decided that I really do like to dance, though I try to pretend I don't). It really is tremendous exercize if you really do it for a while (especially the type of freako-rave dancing that we were doing (ask (e:lilho) to demonstrate some time)).
Alas, it seemed to work backwards. I came back and noticed I had gained about 50 pounds. Not sure how it happened. Maybe the strange thing that was slipped into my drink had something to do with it... maybe not eating at McKeyD's...maybe not doing those handstand push-ups...who knows. So if you see me rolling through town, take it as a word of caution against extreme exercize. And get yo fat ass some double arch surprises.
Alas, it seemed to work backwards. I came back and noticed I had gained about 50 pounds. Not sure how it happened. Maybe the strange thing that was slipped into my drink had something to do with it... maybe not eating at McKeyD's...maybe not doing those handstand push-ups...who knows. So if you see me rolling through town, take it as a word of caution against extreme exercize. And get yo fat ass some double arch surprises.
11/20/2004 04:24 #35663
Not hampered at allby beat box fiendsters
by empty ice cream
left upon the chair
melting as are we
coops still a coop
made from lively fowl
chicken little runs
and republicans beware
three toilets to choose from
beeboppin on the roof
mary ari jarel
buddha does as buddha is
lies atop his bosom buddy
sleepy stroking
halfelt tickles
remember the jazz
forget your friends
remeber the friends
forget the jazz
someone is watching over
maybe with a microphone
watchout don't eat those brains
stewarts here, look what i can do
by empty ice cream
left upon the chair
melting as are we
coops still a coop
made from lively fowl
chicken little runs
and republicans beware
three toilets to choose from
beeboppin on the roof
mary ari jarel
buddha does as buddha is
lies atop his bosom buddy
sleepy stroking
halfelt tickles
remember the jazz
forget your friends
remeber the friends
forget the jazz
someone is watching over
maybe with a microphone
watchout don't eat those brains
stewarts here, look what i can do