I had my first encounter with math rock tonight. It rocked. Just try and count pi five times backward. Here's some link from a random guy about mathrock (the russian stewardess is pretty hot anywho)http://www.rundevilrun.com/mathrock.html.

I must talk about the party. Yet words sound so feeble...how to explain...
Mr. Bing Bong had a big Ding Dong
Bitches in the house playin mad Ping Pong
Talk me a minute sing me a sing-song
Call it like it is but say it real strong
Party rockin makes me sad in a good way, there's too much of goodness. Wanna talk to everybody but only get a few minutes with each. Conversations diffuse. Usually into idiotic fun. Shoot. I need to go to bed. But shit, muthafucka, I wanna say more. Succinctly then. It was a great big fun time with tons of muthafuckas I ain't seen before. And tons of muthafuckas I don't see enough. My birthday couldna been better. It was perfect...thank you all for coming and just blowing the fucking roof off.