and Super-Wowie!!!
The Birthday season is in full fucking swing. Perhaps the most amazing yet in my short 25 years. Thank you to everyone. For the friends. and the friends. and the friends. I have such great fucking friends. When I think of moving I don't know how I will handle it without all of you. I might just take the lot of yall out and dip a rufie in each drink. The next day you'll wake up in the back of my U-Haul truck in thi middle of British Columbia. I will tell you there are creatures in the woods and you can't leave...Really I love you!!
Thank you for the calls from my out of town relatives and friends.
I love you mom and lovey and alex and elizabeth.
Caleb and Paris and the boys I miss you we need to talk more.
Dad, I got your message to late to call. I think about you a lot and love you. I am so much like you...
Thank you Brian. You always remember. I'll try...
And all the lost souls who have crossed my path, and lightened my load, and gave me love. Tonight I hope to see you in dreams. Cheesy I know. But true.
Argggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yahooooooooooooooo.
And please...
Cast the borad for me juz one more time.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/29/2004 04:16 #35599
Birthdays galore!!08/27/2004 10:57 #35598
I am the only Aryan-JewYou've heard tell of slurs at the Essex last night, and I will admit that I was the target of them. Strangely enough, this man comes up to me as I was talking (perhaps a little loudly) to the peeps and asks (e:southernyankee) what she's doin with a "smart-ass Jew". I was so dumbfounded. I just didn't understand where the fuck he was coming from. I am a 6'2" very white very blond very blue-eyed guy. If anything I look like the anti-Jew. Weird.
Anyways, we've got more po' people (hide the money ya'll) and uninsured in America now than before
. Thank you Bush...

On the good(?) side, Bush is quietly admitting that Global Warming may exist
and Cheney is taking a (non)stand against a marriage amendment, giving his lesbian daughter, Mary, as the reason
And, the in the latest medical advance, we've been able to grow a man a new jawbone on his own shoulder, using some kind of mesh cage wired to his back
. Very cool, but very weird.

Anyways, we've got more po' people (hide the money ya'll) and uninsured in America now than before

On the good(?) side, Bush is quietly admitting that Global Warming may exist

And, the in the latest medical advance, we've been able to grow a man a new jawbone on his own shoulder, using some kind of mesh cage wired to his back

08/26/2004 04:00 #35597
Too hip to be squareMy hair took an hour to be perfectly coifed.
My perfume matches my sweat to a tee.
Eyeliner lipstick and horn-rimmed glasses.
But Oh Lord what if i have to pee?
The hipsters were abounding tonight.
Around every corner.
They come in more shapes and sizes than I would have imagined.
Did you know it's already cool to be a Pink wannabe?
Dress up is fun though.
You need your own style.
One that suits you but isn't suited for you.
Yet isn't one word screaming to be heard...moderation?
It's all good to a point.
If it hurts to walk, or breathe, or just be...
let it go.
It's not worth it.
A decent conversation is worth five pounds of mascara.
Plus if you look like everyone else
(even if it's just everyone else in your personal posse)
you don't look like you.
Don't refract your beauty..
Shine your own song.
And wear cut-off Levis.
My perfume matches my sweat to a tee.
Eyeliner lipstick and horn-rimmed glasses.
But Oh Lord what if i have to pee?
The hipsters were abounding tonight.
Around every corner.
They come in more shapes and sizes than I would have imagined.
Did you know it's already cool to be a Pink wannabe?
Dress up is fun though.
You need your own style.
One that suits you but isn't suited for you.
Yet isn't one word screaming to be heard...moderation?
It's all good to a point.
If it hurts to walk, or breathe, or just be...
let it go.
It's not worth it.
A decent conversation is worth five pounds of mascara.
Plus if you look like everyone else
(even if it's just everyone else in your personal posse)
you don't look like you.
Don't refract your beauty..
Shine your own song.
And wear cut-off Levis.
08/22/2004 04:05 #35596
Why wasn't Missy at my party?!?How does Missy do it? Her music transcends just everything. I just can't comprehend the genius that allows Missy to make my white-ass stir into booty-dance while at the same time clubs of "folks" are groovin all over the country. Amazing. Real art does just that though. It transcends space and time limitations, not to mention "class". Bougie-asses in the house, get down!!!

I had my first encounter with math rock tonight. It rocked. Just try and count pi five times backward. Here's some link from a random guy about mathrock (the russian stewardess is pretty hot anywho)

I must talk about the party. Yet words sound so to explain...
Mr. Bing Bong had a big Ding Dong
Bitches in the house playin mad Ping Pong
Talk me a minute sing me a sing-song
Call it like it is but say it real strong
Party rockin makes me sad in a good way, there's too much of goodness. Wanna talk to everybody but only get a few minutes with each. Conversations diffuse. Usually into idiotic fun. Shoot. I need to go to bed. But shit, muthafucka, I wanna say more. Succinctly then. It was a great big fun time with tons of muthafuckas I ain't seen before. And tons of muthafuckas I don't see enough. My birthday couldna been better. It was perfect...thank you all for coming and just blowing the fucking roof off.

I had my first encounter with math rock tonight. It rocked. Just try and count pi five times backward. Here's some link from a random guy about mathrock (the russian stewardess is pretty hot anywho)

I must talk about the party. Yet words sound so to explain...
Mr. Bing Bong had a big Ding Dong
Bitches in the house playin mad Ping Pong
Talk me a minute sing me a sing-song
Call it like it is but say it real strong
Party rockin makes me sad in a good way, there's too much of goodness. Wanna talk to everybody but only get a few minutes with each. Conversations diffuse. Usually into idiotic fun. Shoot. I need to go to bed. But shit, muthafucka, I wanna say more. Succinctly then. It was a great big fun time with tons of muthafuckas I ain't seen before. And tons of muthafuckas I don't see enough. My birthday couldna been better. It was perfect...thank you all for coming and just blowing the fucking roof off.
08/20/2004 10:50 #35595
Party Time!!Just one more day of tedium and then it's time to [size=l]PARTY!!![/size]
Can't wait to see you all.
Can't wait to see you all.