Apparently it may have been confusing that in my entry about paradise I refered to zen. Was it because I am somehow intertwining the holy religions of the world (though who's to say they don't need a little intertwining, splicing, and advice?)? Perhaps I don't "get" Buddhism. I probably don't (the book of Taoist I Ching in my bathroom may be confusing me). What I meant though was just genreal thoughts of "spirituality". The general, who am I? where do I belong? how do I fit in? and such. I understand that a central tenet of Buddhism would be forsaking this egoist search. You must be as a pebble in the stream who, through making no effort on its own behalf, interrupts and redirects the flow. Of course the effort is in allowing oneself to be that pebble, to shirk the worldly, the pettiness of desire...
What I think, going back to the top, is that all these religions have things of vast import to impart unto the world. The problem is that people (yes people, for the most part deities have had very little involvement) have been using these religions and subtly changing (dare I say, hope I say, perverting) them. People have interpreted Christ and somehow decided that killing can be justified. People have used Buddha to enslave others in communistic non-choice. What we need is to understand that Christ and Buddha would be great friends, and would both abhor what we have used their words for. What if someday people thought you so cool that they wrote books about you. Your message of peace and understanding was so succinct, pure, and just that they couldn't help it; you spoke to their souls. And then you died (as does every prophet on earth). You watch as the words and deeds you wrought on earth are transformed before your eyes. You see as people kill each other debating the worth of your views. You see them defending slaughter with your name. You hastily check the records (you have, of course, kept a comprehensive journal of everything you tried to teach while on earth) and reassure yourself that you never sanctioned any of these heinous acts, your words were only about peace, brotherhood, and unity.
So, do you think that Jesus, or Buddha, or any of the rest, are "up there" now, wondering if it was worth it? If they had known the deeds that were to happen because of their philosophy, would they have continued? Do they watch right now (and for the last couple millenium) and weep for the pain they have caused, however unitentionally and indirectly?
Terry's Journal
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08/11/2004 23:52 #35590
Did I say Zen?08/11/2004 03:31 #35589
who wants a donuttonight that stupid man at the copshop on Lex and Elm wouldn't sell me beer in the bottle. He said it wouldn't fit through his hole, it was ridiculous. I bet the cops get beer in the bottle if they want it. What if I wanted donuts in the bottle, would that have fitted through? Stupid asshole. I bequeath you a scathing curse of achy ass. I hope that every time you need to use that ass of yours that it just aches and aches. So there. I even danced a little shaman dance. You achy-assed muthafucka!
08/10/2004 22:49 #35588
one more to the listthe word is paradise!!
That's right, paradise. It comes from two Persian words, pairii (around), and idaeza (a wall), according to Dalrymple:
"The word was brought west by Xenophon, who introduced it into Greek when describing the fabulous garden built by the Persian Emperor Cyrus at Sardis; from the Greek paradeisoi it passed into Latin as paradisum; and hence into Middle English as paradis."
Funny that our vision of Heaven actually derives from an enclosed Persian pleasure garden. Paradise means enclosed by walls, which is not really to my liking. Perhaps that is the reason I don't want to go to heaven. Sounds so boring. God's watching you all the time. Everything's all ordered and good and right. Don't you see? It's all balance. Perfect white is no place to live a life. And you can't see in pitch dark. That's why the blend is so important. A little good, a little bad, a pinch of order, and a handful of chaos. Why strive for perfection when you can strive for life.Live to Learn. Learn to Love, and Love to Live (and all the other permutations).
Hey! Sometimes, you need your cheesy Zen entries. No?
That's right, paradise. It comes from two Persian words, pairii (around), and idaeza (a wall), according to Dalrymple:
"The word was brought west by Xenophon, who introduced it into Greek when describing the fabulous garden built by the Persian Emperor Cyrus at Sardis; from the Greek paradeisoi it passed into Latin as paradisum; and hence into Middle English as paradis."
Funny that our vision of Heaven actually derives from an enclosed Persian pleasure garden. Paradise means enclosed by walls, which is not really to my liking. Perhaps that is the reason I don't want to go to heaven. Sounds so boring. God's watching you all the time. Everything's all ordered and good and right. Don't you see? It's all balance. Perfect white is no place to live a life. And you can't see in pitch dark. That's why the blend is so important. A little good, a little bad, a pinch of order, and a handful of chaos. Why strive for perfection when you can strive for life.Live to Learn. Learn to Love, and Love to Live (and all the other permutations).
Hey! Sometimes, you need your cheesy Zen entries. No?
08/10/2004 10:52 #35587
need a quarterThe car needs a steady supply of quarters in order to function. It makes a syrupy cough sound that lets you know to pop another in. There was more to this dream but...
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will monitor the American presidential elections iin November
. Think it'll make a difference? Will the people who elected George in the first place (the 9 in black) give a darn what the international org. thinks when it decides the race this time?
I wish I had a video of my gandma dancing.
Keith, I'm doing the naked picture thing too.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will monitor the American presidential elections iin November

I wish I had a video of my gandma dancing.
Keith, I'm doing the naked picture thing too.
08/08/2004 22:49 #35586
bean dip and bike rideswhat more can a boy ask for?
Today we went for a trip to devil's hole in Niagara Falls. Paul's like, I know where it is, no problem... Paul sat in the back with Matt. I was shotgun, with (e:lilho) driving. We get to the first questionable part...which way Paul?...Paul...PAUL...bPAUL...oh ummm...left.... The choice has unfortunately been made. And it was wrong, and the situation would repeat...4 or 5 times. We went to Niagara Falls...we went to the love canal...everywhere but devil's friggin' hole. Three hours later, we've spent 15 minutes outside of the car. Very fun. I guess the moral is: don't pretend to be no naviga-TOR if you ain't no naviga-tah. WTF?
Today we went for a trip to devil's hole in Niagara Falls. Paul's like, I know where it is, no problem... Paul sat in the back with Matt. I was shotgun, with (e:lilho) driving. We get to the first questionable part...which way Paul?...Paul...PAUL...bPAUL...oh ummm...left.... The choice has unfortunately been made. And it was wrong, and the situation would repeat...4 or 5 times. We went to Niagara Falls...we went to the love canal...everywhere but devil's friggin' hole. Three hours later, we've spent 15 minutes outside of the car. Very fun. I guess the moral is: don't pretend to be no naviga-TOR if you ain't no naviga-tah. WTF?