My hair took an hour to be perfectly coifed.
My perfume matches my sweat to a tee.
Eyeliner lipstick and horn-rimmed glasses.
But Oh Lord what if i have to pee?
The hipsters were abounding tonight.
Around every corner.
They come in more shapes and sizes than I would have imagined.
Did you know it's already cool to be a Pink wannabe?
Dress up is fun though.
You need your own style.
One that suits you but isn't suited for you.
Yet isn't one word screaming to be heard...moderation?
It's all good to a point.
If it hurts to walk, or breathe, or just be...
let it go.
It's not worth it.
A decent conversation is worth five pounds of mascara.
Plus if you look like everyone else
(even if it's just everyone else in your personal posse)
you don't look like you.
Don't refract your beauty..
Shine your own song.
And wear cut-off Levis.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/26/2004 04:00 #35597
Too hip to be square08/22/2004 04:05 #35596
Why wasn't Missy at my party?!?How does Missy do it? Her music transcends just everything. I just can't comprehend the genius that allows Missy to make my white-ass stir into booty-dance while at the same time clubs of "folks" are groovin all over the country. Amazing. Real art does just that though. It transcends space and time limitations, not to mention "class". Bougie-asses in the house, get down!!!

I had my first encounter with math rock tonight. It rocked. Just try and count pi five times backward. Here's some link from a random guy about mathrock (the russian stewardess is pretty hot anywho)

I must talk about the party. Yet words sound so to explain...
Mr. Bing Bong had a big Ding Dong
Bitches in the house playin mad Ping Pong
Talk me a minute sing me a sing-song
Call it like it is but say it real strong
Party rockin makes me sad in a good way, there's too much of goodness. Wanna talk to everybody but only get a few minutes with each. Conversations diffuse. Usually into idiotic fun. Shoot. I need to go to bed. But shit, muthafucka, I wanna say more. Succinctly then. It was a great big fun time with tons of muthafuckas I ain't seen before. And tons of muthafuckas I don't see enough. My birthday couldna been better. It was perfect...thank you all for coming and just blowing the fucking roof off.

I had my first encounter with math rock tonight. It rocked. Just try and count pi five times backward. Here's some link from a random guy about mathrock (the russian stewardess is pretty hot anywho)

I must talk about the party. Yet words sound so to explain...
Mr. Bing Bong had a big Ding Dong
Bitches in the house playin mad Ping Pong
Talk me a minute sing me a sing-song
Call it like it is but say it real strong
Party rockin makes me sad in a good way, there's too much of goodness. Wanna talk to everybody but only get a few minutes with each. Conversations diffuse. Usually into idiotic fun. Shoot. I need to go to bed. But shit, muthafucka, I wanna say more. Succinctly then. It was a great big fun time with tons of muthafuckas I ain't seen before. And tons of muthafuckas I don't see enough. My birthday couldna been better. It was perfect...thank you all for coming and just blowing the fucking roof off.
08/20/2004 10:50 #35595
Party Time!!Just one more day of tedium and then it's time to [size=l]PARTY!!![/size]
Can't wait to see you all.
Can't wait to see you all.
08/19/2004 10:59 #35594
Too many people!!!According to a new report issued by the Popullation Reference Bureau
the world's population will grow to 9.3 billion by 2050. The growth is not, however, distributed equally around the globe. Generally some of the least developed countries will experience the largest growth (China and India will have a total population of over 3 billion combined), while the US is one of a very few western countries to experience growth. Here's a nice little chart:

Of course all of these predictions are based on us not blowing each other up, or dying from meterological cataclysms unleashed from global temperature changes, or massive hunger... Though they have allowed for AIDS casualties, there are even some predictions (truly very sad ones) on the same page above with regards solely to the epidemic.
sidenote: thanks for the cool link to vintage Buffalo pics sqb [inlink]sqb,58[/inlink]

Of course all of these predictions are based on us not blowing each other up, or dying from meterological cataclysms unleashed from global temperature changes, or massive hunger... Though they have allowed for AIDS casualties, there are even some predictions (truly very sad ones) on the same page above with regards solely to the epidemic.
sidenote: thanks for the cool link to vintage Buffalo pics sqb [inlink]sqb,58[/inlink]
08/18/2004 01:02 #35593
Back to home baseThe Olympics are back at home, enjoying a warm mediterranean summer. The world is watching, and much is at stake. The titles of American glory rest in the balance. The young athletes' shoulders bear the burden for all of us. We can experience our triumph vicariously through the enthusiam of our heroes. Yet in times of defeat, when our perserverance is strenuously taxed, we do not waver, for our feet are fimrly planted upon the shoulders of those who have died for the freedom we enjoy today. The mostly forgotten athletes of yore, who bravely fought in the name of American superiority. Who gave, without regret, undying devotion to the cause of complete domination. The burden is heavy but we, through they, are able to bear it.
The games are so much more than that. They represent all of us in their universal struggle towards freedom. Culture can be reduced and defined to a brave team of five. Emotions long held sealed are unfettered in raptuous support. We are the team. We are the ones winning. And if we lose... our bootstraps will survive, battered yet intact. The American Dream lies but a pull away. So we pull, and we swim, and we leap, and we bound. Guns will we trigger, and weights will we lift. Dare I say "yogas and pilates and'the room is full of hotties"?
Our team lost. Womens' gymnastics, where we had all placed our hopes! Our crown has been pulverized by the heel of some romanian gypsy tramp. What nerve, don't they know who they're messing with. I may be 15 but I have the might of the US behind me honey. So, will it surprise me if next year we find WMD in Romania? Not one bit, the foundation has just been laid. Obviously those gypsies are using WMD-propulsion units in their gymsuits. B-52 lock on...NOW!!!
The games are so much more than that. They represent all of us in their universal struggle towards freedom. Culture can be reduced and defined to a brave team of five. Emotions long held sealed are unfettered in raptuous support. We are the team. We are the ones winning. And if we lose... our bootstraps will survive, battered yet intact. The American Dream lies but a pull away. So we pull, and we swim, and we leap, and we bound. Guns will we trigger, and weights will we lift. Dare I say "yogas and pilates and'the room is full of hotties"?
Our team lost. Womens' gymnastics, where we had all placed our hopes! Our crown has been pulverized by the heel of some romanian gypsy tramp. What nerve, don't they know who they're messing with. I may be 15 but I have the might of the US behind me honey. So, will it surprise me if next year we find WMD in Romania? Not one bit, the foundation has just been laid. Obviously those gypsies are using WMD-propulsion units in their gymsuits. B-52 lock on...NOW!!!