2) left work late :( (sorry (e:Terry))
3) bought some red :)
4) skipped the studying 8*
5) declined another "dumbass" federal job! :)
(who calls someone @ 9:30pm to offer a job unless you work @ Big Joe's all Night Diner???? Uncle Sam that's who & it ((the offer)) lacked any sort of enthusiasm & professionalism-just another reason not to work for the man)
- Yes M'aam, I would love to come to atlanta to work seasonal for 6 months, this sounds like a better shittier deal than the one I already have...**
7) felt better after venting w/best friend :)
8) felt heavenly after eating cake from yesterday's baby shower (nephew on the way)
9) pc still crashes :(
10) feel like never returning to s.r.i.
11) life is G*O*O*D :)
12) looking forward to wednesday (e:rachel) and other e peeps who care to join
13) You can continue my list for me...
feel good song of the moment: James Brown's Livin' in America...
speaking of list, I need to start a Birthday list being that it's only a month away!
I love Fall!!!! & 10/12. It makes me feel good that its the day that I was born as I was my mommy's first born & she was excited to have me here!!! yay!
If no one else ever love's me in life, at least I know my mother loved me and I loved her (one of those adage's of "its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all..." or something)
me and my rattled posts. whatever.