beautiful day isn't it? :)
I am just chilled. or should I say chillax (cp) I have not posted in a while; guess I should catch up...
(e:Sarah), your apt is quite nice. I am glad you have a new home to call your own w/ nice roomies to boot!
Enjoyed the 2.5 hr bike ride the other day w/
(e:Terry) and Jeff. Although Jeff scares with me with the stunt action, it's still pretty cool.
(e:Rachael) I hope you are doing well today. Hope you had fun the other night. I did - thanks to the epeeps who hung strong @ Faherty's (
(e:Sqb), [inlink]sqb,93[/inlink] I am glad you could join us that evening, even if for just a minute. Enjoyed talking with you and your escortee!
You should definitely come out with us more often. :)
(e:Mike), Happy 21st year again. I enjoyed meeting your parents the other night. Very lovely people.
(e:Paul), you look like your dad.: )
- This weeks personal mission is to avoid eating things that make me sick...
This is really hard to do. I love cheese and creamy things and coffee. I still have a container of Dulce de Leche Ice Cream in the freezer. I have been very good at convincing myself not to eat it. Why did I buy it then? Because I wanted to!
I had to leave work early yesterday and yet I was given a semi-hard time about it. I am like look, I work, its my time, I am not a slacker (quite the opposite), I need some time to take care of myself. Deal with it! You only get one body (often with the option of some replaceable parts) But I have never researched a replaceable stomach although someone I once knew promised me a new stomach for christmas!!! So at that that moment when I was leaving work I wished that I were just leaving work inorder to hop on a plane to a tropical beach! but I just came home.
they annoy me there. I am sure I do a good job of returning the favor.
Maybe this is T.M.I. but whatever... An old friend told me once, that some things should be kept private. I would have agreed 110% a couple of years ago. Now I only agree about 66%. I figure secrets will always manage to find its way out into the light for all to know. Wouldn't it be less shocking being upfront than hiding behind secrets?
so off to better things in life today, possibly a luau with the family-I miss my niece and some major socializing later with fellow epeeps. I should post a pic of my niece. She is so much fun!