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08/21/2004 07:31 #34389

The party was really great! Kudos to all who came and represented - especially on the dance floor and to those who put together a really nice shindig!!! Sorry to all those who missed all the great people and the overall goodtime we had tonight. I just got home from the party. It's 6:26am and my neighbors above are still rockin' the house! party on...
Happy Birthday Terry and Mike "WHOO HOO" - you guys are the best!!! Mike I really hope you are feeling way better by the time you read this. I am sorry I could not stay and nurse you but I think you are ok as you finally drifted to a peaceful slumber.
It was great meeting all the elmwood strip community and then some...

I must retire to bed now, I biked home and I am beat!
Hope everyone had a fabulous time at the e-strip house!!

good night all or good morning...

08/19/2004 01:53 #34388

late night roll...
funniest thing> (e:lilho) peeing in the spotlight @ kleinhan's for all of richmond ave to see her shadow! :) while (e:Terry) tries to push me on the bike in the water, yet, I freak out> he calles me a pussy. I reply "that I am when it comes to my phobias" :(
perhaps I should list a few of them:
1) birds
2) fluffy birds
3) any kind of fowl creature
4) mostly anything with wings
5) any animal essentially
6) swimming in the unknown where I cannot see the bottom! (yes this includes
lakes oceans, etc. -
7) etc....

so anyway - Metalpeter [inlink]metalpeter,77[/inlink] you can also purchase slurpees at the 7-11's in cheektowaga (union rd between walden and william as well as French Rd. right off of Union between clinton and losson rd)

who's up for an e-strip end of summer, bring your own dish, community picnic in the park?

08/17/2004 10:58 #34387

livin la vida loca!!!
Well whata ya know... i'm not so evil after all...
Your fate has been decided....

You are one of the lucky ones! Because of your virtue and beliefs, you have escaped eternal punishment. You are sent to Purgatory!


You have escaped damnation and made it to Purgatory, a place where the dew of repentance washes off the stain of sin and girds the spirit with humility. Through contrition, confession, and satisfaction by works of righteousness, you must make your way up the mountain. As the sins are cleansed from your soul, you will be illuminated by the Sun of Divine Grace, and you will join other souls, smiling and happy, upon the summit of this mountain. Before long you will know the joys of Paradise as you ascend to the ethereal realm of Heaven.


08/14/2004 12:34 #34386

Thursday Night in Buffalo





all over delaware ave while riding in a car @ 35+ MPH!!! Most of it on PMT's car!!!

now I must study more accounting.

08/12/2004 10:57 #34385

Thursday in Buffalo
I agree Mike [inlink]mike,232[/inlink]
Merlin's is a place you end up at on a thurs night.
come on people,think, there has to be a million and one bars
in Buffalo...
Faherty's (sp)
Brick Bar
Elmwood Lounge
Mr. Goodbar
Darcy's Mcgee's

Pick one.