08/09/2004 23:24 #34382
ho hum...& then someI am tired; tired of looking for new jobs, tired of going to work, tired of complaining, tired of falling ceilings - but maybe that one is a good thing for most people complain about glass ceilings; so if mine continues to fall perhaps new horizons will open up to me/ tired of spinning wheels

Worrying is a full time gig. just mapped cost of living in L.A., couldn't swing it on a uncle sam nickel!!! Back to the planning pad...Future???
On A Brighter Note: Happy Birthday to All Leo's & Virgo's!!! Whoo Hoo for Parties![size=m][/size]
08/05/2004 01:55 #34381
what the frick~!Ok. I am sooooooo pissed!!! I came home, ready for a nice slumber and what the frick? my futon is soaked~!!!!! i had my down comforter ontop since I have been sleeping in the pc room since the ceiling in my bedroom colapsed. It too is soaked & stained along with the floor. I can't understand. Fucking "A"!!!! I can't sleep anywhere in the apt without being rained on...looks like I am headed back to the living room, which I despise sleeping in since its the living room. frick frick frick! I am so sleepy :(
Is that what you get for 625? frick frick frick!!!now I have to dry clean the comforter for it has brown water stains on it.
07/31/2004 22:14 #34379
Summer Time Fun (F-0-N)!!!So much fun I have had. It erases away the bad stuff (boring work, jerks, ex boyfriends=double jerk, falling ceilings in my bedroom, etc)
I have slept very little in the past few days, esp last night. So mike, I was in South Buffalo @ the Buffalo Irish Ctr. & yes terry I was again the only one. My friends friend plays in the new U2 cover band. The light show was impressive. Got to meet band members of Kilbranan - Rob is way cool, esp when in a kilt!
I got home @ 2am (sorry mike and fellow epeeps that I didn't make it back in time to shake my tail feather wit cha'@ off the wall) I slept till 5am and was really up by 7:30 am. The torrential rains beat the heck out of the roof and hence wet moldy, yucky sheetrock it did rain in my bedroom -ugh!
So my big thril of the day to wash away the coookyness... I got my first ride on a motorcycle!!! - courtesy of my new neighbor Jeff! It was awesome! Thanks Jeff, you are too kind. Welcome to the strip again!
Now I am making clams for dinner - got a hankering for more - bought 2 dz; (remember I live alone and I am not a pig but a girlz gotta get her eat on...) So paul, they are on!!!
Lets see what fun I can get into tonight...
Bring it on...
FON - as I was so sleepy last night I could not even spell fun properly)
07/30/2004 03:57 #34378
thursdayaaahhh, thursdays in buffalo...
old friends from high school @ tudor
new friends at the pink
great jazz @ the allentown wine bar
hot, rockin' concerts @ the square(arrested development)
many tasty drinks and now my nice comfy bed(alone)
Yea for buffalo smmmers!!!
thanks mike for talking to me on my walk home.
seems like there aren't that many gentlemen of your kind left! You are very kind.
I was concerned for my own safety. never again shall i be so silly as to walk home alone @ 2am
on a totally seperate note, i did run into a prostitute at the bar - I did not know she was until after I left and saw her working (undergarmentless)My first encounter and such a weird one, as she held a long conversation with me about my dialect and such...she told me I look like I should talk "Ghetto" and not how I actually sound. She laughed at the words I used such as "predominately" etc. such a weird night for interesting conversations (dialect, coconut...)
07/25/2004 10:51 #34376
Buffalo's Annual Garden WalkHey E-Strippers! Check out the natural side of the city today @ the Annual Garden Walk. Its a Beautiful Day to enjoy it. I will be at the Senior Citizens Home giving out maps and taking contributions for the organization; Stop by & Say hello and smell the roses!