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07/15/2004 20:44 #34372

thursday after dave...
lets see...
DMB was good. Short show but still good. We grilled all sorts of things before the show, pepperoni, cheesey puffs, turkey sammiches, hotdogs and later after the show more hotdogs and marshmallows that were shared with other concert goers. There was a condiment fight before the show, kids and their underage drinking, tsk tsk tsk. Mustard and Ketchup flew left and right pass our very own eyes & Sooner or later their car was marked "dickhead" in sweet yellow mustard...
Other than...decent show. 1 encore-that sucked-"whats up dave? gettin' old? need a cane?"
It takes forever to get out of the park i'll tell ya'-didn't get home till almost 3.5 hrs after the concert ended. oh well.
I took the what movie are you test (twice)...turns out I am power rangers movie
& my goddness name is:
a C-omfortably H-umorous A-spirer who M-anifests I-ncredible L-oyalty and L-oves E-xcitedly

sounds about right...


07/13/2004 11:19 #34371

DMB!!! DMB!!! DMB!!! DMB!!! DMB!!!
Hello Again Gorgeous!
Well It's time for another Dave Matthews Concert!!! Yea!!! It took a while to get psyched again since I bought the tix like in the winter, months ago, almost right after I saw him in December. But I am excited, yea again! the sad thing is I cannot find my "before these crowded streets" cd. poo! I heart dave!!!
whatelse... I have off of work for several days and I get new windows in my pc room- yea!!!

I need to make a to do list...
1) clean bedroom/put clothes away
2) dump the 65 yr old man
3) put away the dishes
4) pack a picnic for the concert
(wine,vodka oh & peaches for its nutritional
5) keep options open...
6) stay cool as a cucumber today 'cause its gon
be hot !!!

Libra Daily Horoscope Overview - July 13, 2004
This is your kind of day -- no doubt about it. You may just bump into someone who's actually a mental equal for you, oddly enough, under equally odd circumstances. Ready?

07/11/2004 21:22 #34370

Bidwell Music
Forever Elmwood Organization Presents...
Music @ the Bidwell Parkway every Tuesday @ 7pm
Food and Drinks sold too!!! & Its Free for all!!!

July 20 - Strictly Riddim featuring Neville Francis
July 27 - Outer Circle Orchestra

07/11/2004 21:17 #34369

Star Spangled Taste of Buffalo 2004

07/05/2004 03:42 #34368

4th Festivities...
The beginning of my 4th began as any other day, vegging out with salsa and chips in front of shakepeare sundays on Starz! & turning some ugly piece of furniture into something shabby chic as my friend lisa calls it...
I cooked out on the grill (lemon peppered chicken,squash,mushrooms and some other long green veggie (can't really think right now)
It took 2/5 hours to get the little "grill to go" crap going with fire-you'd think I was a pro at these fires by now. thats ok it all worked out in the end and the food was good.
Headed down to city hall to hear some rockin tunes~ The rain detered everyone else and we just walked right on through. Right to the front area of the stage. way fun! Even the 2 hours dealing with "Umbrella Man" This man would not take his umbrella down to save his life. I guess he felt he had a point to prove. But I had to check him when he threatened me, believing that I was taunting him and his "sight hindering" umbrella. Everyone around us grab it and bent it and he stood there and said nothing nor did he make attempts to be courteous when asked politely to put the umbrella down when It wasnt raining. So he turns to me & my friend & says he is going to Fuck us up... Thats when he had to be told: threaten me and I will react! Confirm your threat I said... I will call the cops!!! He just stared...Whatever umbrella man. whats your point that you have to prove. Are you a man that must be heard? You against a drunk concert crowd-good luck. I could care less about your point, just don't disrespect my space or threaten me for something I didn't do to him.
Otherwise, the concert was great!!! The best part was the heavy down pour. Loved it!!! No one had to think about what they looked like or whatever, just pure energy in the crowd; crowd surfers, pole climbers, & umbrella man. oh yeah and incredible fire works afterwards!!!
then I had to walk home soaked! : (
But first I had to stop on allen st. since I went out friday night for drinks and before you know it, my friend and I walk out of the bar without paying. Total honest mistake. She was out of it and I thought it was taking care of already. So we went back tonight to apologize. We both felt horrible, horrible, horrible! nothing like that has ever happened to me. Jeremy the bartender was totally understanding even though he could not believe we would come back to pay for our forgotten tab! He said who would make up a story like that & to return to offer him money???
Its all good. Now I can rest my head easily tonight.
no unpaid bar tabs & no freakish fires