DMB was good. Short show but still good. We grilled all sorts of things before the show, pepperoni, cheesey puffs, turkey sammiches, hotdogs and later after the show more hotdogs and marshmallows that were shared with other concert goers. There was a condiment fight before the show, kids and their underage drinking, tsk tsk tsk. Mustard and Ketchup flew left and right pass our very own eyes & Sooner or later their car was marked "dickhead" in sweet yellow mustard...
Other than...decent show. 1 encore-that sucked-"whats up dave? gettin' old? need a cane?"
It takes forever to get out of the park i'll tell ya'-didn't get home till almost 3.5 hrs after the concert ended. oh well.
I took the what movie are you test (twice)...turns out I am power rangers movie
& my goddness name is:
a C-omfortably H-umorous A-spirer who M-anifests I-ncredible L-oyalty and L-oves E-xcitedly
sounds about right...