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Salvatore's Journal

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03/12/2006 08:48 #33825

I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier
O man, yesterday was SO beautiful. The weather was fantastic. I was walking down elmwood in the early afternoon and everyone was out there just walking around talking, chatting, being pleasant. Everyone was just happy to be outside and see the sun and walking their dogs and the sun didn't hide behind any clouds or anything. It was so....glorious? It was like I dunno, sort of what I imagine Penny Lane is like. There was this old promo video for penny lane back in 1967 with the Beatles just walking around on a day not too unlike yesterday and o well, the things that make you think.

As I was riding home, "All the things that I have done" byt the killers was playing and the sun was going down and i was on streets that i hadn't been on since i was a kid and it was sort of like I was seeing things for the first time. It reminded me of when my dad would take me to play baseball at the park when i was around 10 or 11 with my friend and brother and the sun would go down and no one would say anything but you didn't have to, because nothing needed to be said, life was good and you could only see it getting better. Welcome to the New World!

03/05/2006 13:27 #33824

The Uncanny X-Men #141
First I would like to say that "You're Beautiful" the song by James Blunt is the worst song of the year. I don't usually disqualify people's music out of hand, but this song is truly awful. I'm convinced women will enjoy any song that's complimentary to them, for example, "Your Body is a Wonderland", "You are so beautiful", "You really got a hold on me", etc. Dopes. j/k.

They say that violence is never the answer, but what if the question is "What's an 8 letter word that begins with a 'V'?"

enknot - 03/12/06 08:27
I have to agree savlatore...that song always ends early on my radio because the dude driving turns the radio off before he smashes it in an uncontrollable rage...
imk2 - 03/05/06 14:09
ladycroft - 03/05/06 13:35
that song is great - ptht!

02/27/2006 01:23 #33823

Lisa Loeb's face is sort of strange
The Strokes are on Letterman today, so set your mother fucking VCRS, TIVOS, and other assorted video capture devices. They'll be playing "Heart in a Cage", their new single from "First Impressions of Earth". If you ain't down wit dat then lick the parquay Cornwalice.
southernyankee - 02/28/06 20:30
i think she is cute~! : )

02/15/2006 13:41 #33822

Are you ready to play "Who has more?"
So yesterday was valentine's day and I had a terrific time. I don't know why everyone gets so bent out of shape about it. "Awww, it's made up. Invented by Hallmark". That's a really horrible way to think of it. Sure, maybe the customs have been hijacked by the big corporations, but really that's no reason to hate it. Valentine's is what you make it, same as Christmas. I think it says a lot about a person to hate a day dedicated to love. Surely you could at least be happy for those people who do enjoy the holiday. But whatever, maybe it's not my place to say.

I finally got to see the Brokeback Mountain movie, and I really liked it a lot. I thought it looked really good too. Just the cinematography, the shots, everything. It totally made me forget about the Hulk, haha. I think I might buy it when it comes out on DVD, but I'm not totally sure yet. At least I'll rent it and hear what the director has to say.
ajay - 02/15/06 21:23
Actually, Valentine's Day is older than Hallmark. Ancient Romans celebrated Lupercalia on Feb 15, the festival of Lupercus, the god of fertility. Hallmark may have put a commercial spin on it, but the celebration has been around for thousands of years.

02/12/2006 13:31 #33821

That's seventy-two unforced errors for
Richie Tenenbaum. He's playing the
worst tennis of his life. What's he
feeling right now, Tex Hayward?

I don't know, Jim. There's obviously
something wrong with him. He's taken
off his shoes and one of his socks, and -
- actually, I think he's crying.
Richie is shown preparing to serve with tears all over his
face. He hesitates. He looks into the stands.

Who's he looking at in the friends' box,

That's his sister, Margot, and her new
husband, Raleigh St. Clair. They were
just married yesterday, Jim.

jenks - 02/12/06 13:57
sal, you are random. but i love that movie.