So the times, they are a changin'! I've got friends that are movin' on and away and I'm happy for them but sad to see them go. What can I say? I guess I'm a little bit of a baby when it comes to things like that.
What else? I'm trying to cultivate other relationships I have so I'm not alone on Valentine's (Sal-entine's depending on who you talk to) day this year. Basically what that entails is probably two dates prior to a date on Feb.14th. So I suppose I'd better put myself out there, but of course money is tight and I don't start my job until Sunday. I hope it pays weekly. God I need money. There are just too many beautiful girls out there right now. I'm pretty overwhelmed that some of them actually are eager to talk to me. Go figure.
Bands of the moment include:
The Strokes
Say Anything
Elvis Costello
Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
I started writing some music today and I was really happy with it. I layed it down on a little microcassette as not to forget it. I have a friend coming over tommorow to play guitar with and hopefully it can be fleshed out a bit.
I've been tinkering with making stencils lately as I've got this new fascination with street art and pop art. I just dig clean lines and assemblyline efficiency. I was talking to a friend who's an art student and she was taken aback that I can do between 3 and 5 paintings a week. I don't think it's terribly difficult to do. I don't have any true fondness for them either so wasting time on getting every detail right just doesn't seem rewarding.
O! Last night I totally remembered something: I can figure out most combination locks just by holding them in my hand and tinkering (average time is about 3 minutes). I'm not kidding. I don't know how I forgot that bit of knowledge. I think the last time I really applied it was in the fourth grade. Totally weird. I found a couple of old Masterlock combination locks in the basement and just thought it'd be fun if I could still do it and sure enough i could. Pretty neat, but also pretty useless. haha.
I think that's all I really have for right now, but I would like to extend birthday wishes to
(e:jessika)! happy birthday!
Gus: Phil? Like the groundhog Phil?
Phil: Yeah, like the groundhog Phil.
Gus: Look out for your shadow there, buddy.
Phil: Morons, your bus is leaving.