So this weekend was sort of sedate for me, but there's much to be said about sedation. On friday i was at off the wall and I had a few drinks with friends and that was fun. On saturday i was at spot w/ another friend and that was cool. There was no place to sit so instead in went for a walk and saw all the great buildings around Elmwood and Delaware and that was fun. Good conversation was had. Later on we had dinner. This morning I went for another job interview and that went superlatively in my opinion, so hopefully I'll hear something back soon. And right now I'm just jotting down art ideas and dl'ing some music. So i mean it when I say it was sedate. Hope everyone else's weekend was good.
Salvatore's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/22/2006 22:36 #33813
Welcome to crackerbox palace!01/20/2006 18:50 #33812
Reinventing yourself cruelly 10101/20/2006 14:30 #33811
Miles and miles of Englsih garden!01/19/2006 00:04 #33810
First impressions of earth.Okay, so looks like I finally got some of the pix from my trip to montreal! I hope you enjoy them! It was such a rad trip, believe me!
Me and a friend brushing up on our french.

At a trendy little cafe'.

Smoking a cigarette and taking it all in.

Looking a bit like George Harrison, in my own opinion.

Wearing a parka, because that's what gorgeous men do.

Me and a friend brushing up on our french.

At a trendy little cafe'.

Smoking a cigarette and taking it all in.

Looking a bit like George Harrison, in my own opinion.

Wearing a parka, because that's what gorgeous men do.

jessika - 01/19/06 18:15
quit! get out while you can!
quit! get out while you can!
01/18/2006 18:19 #33809
I hate myself for hating themThese are the newest paintings I've done. The first is obviously called "Attention" whereas the second is called "Pencil Neck". The latter is the largest painting I've done thus far, and it's 2'x4'. I hope you enjoy them!

joshua - 01/19/06 01:15
I really like your paintings Sal. Props.
I really like your paintings Sal. Props.
Where's the Impact Gallery?