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Salvatore's Journal

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01/25/2006 10:50 #33815

The Paradoxes of Play
So I'd like to say that I got the job at the Lexington Co-op and I'm very happy about that! I begin work on Sunday and that's alright by me!

Lemme tell you about this dream I had last night. I was changing contact lenses in my dream and when I switched them, I switched bodies too I think. I became this really good looking red headed chick, though she was flat chested. It was very weird. My/her face was very pretty, I got to see it in the mirror changing contacts. So in the dream I was a little freaked out by the situation, but I don't remember it being super awful. I remember saying to myself that my body was temporary and that I wasn't allowed to touch my/her boobs (or lack of) because that wouldn't be right. So I woke up from that a little messed up. I think it must have something to do w/ the headache medicine i've been taking.


I've been having these really awful headaches and I don't like it one bit. I'm assuming they're sinus headaches because when I take sinus medication it makes life bearable once more. I can feel it in the back of my neck and above my jaws and in the bridge of my nose. If anyone has any suggestions about a possible sinus infection, I'm all ears.

Back to dreamland



So anyhow, I can't really describe the girl's/my face other than it was very pretty and there was red hair. I think she sort of looked like the red head from the film "Urban Legends", Alicia Wit, though maybe I'm stretching. Which leads me to another bit of thought: is it possible to dream a face you've never seen or does anything go in dreamland? Perhaps the face was an amalgamation of other faces or maybe it was somebody I subconciously recognized. I dunno. Well that's about all that's new w/ me for right now.

Wishing everyone the best!
jenks - 01/25/06 19:53
hey sal- didn't i see you at spot last night?
ladycroft - 01/25/06 16:32
Way to go!
theecarey - 01/25/06 15:34
I have had dreams where I am another person.. male, female, younger, older, even a child, ..where I can see "myself".. it is indeed strange.

I think anything goes, in dreamland. Atleast in my dreams.. as warped as they can be.

Fascinating stuff our brains come up with.

Oh, and congrats on the job at the co op.. probably see ya around. I check in once or twice a month for items I dont find in my neck of the woods. Well, I just like that store, anyways.
jason - 01/25/06 14:23
Congrats on the new job Salvatore. that redhead....WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!
leetee - 01/25/06 11:42
Congrats on getting the job at the Lexington Co-Op. I applied to work there, too. Haven't heard from them, though. :O(

01/23/2006 23:06 #33814

Sheep dog, standing in the rain
I say the right things but act the wrong way
I like it right here but I cannot stay
I watch the TV; forget what I'm told
Well, I am too young, and they are too old
Oh, man, can't you see I'm nervous, so please
Pretend to be nice, so I can be mean
I miss the last bus, we take the next train
I try but you see, it's hard to explain

So today I had drawing class at 8:10 this morning! That is uber-difficult for someone like me who has NEVER been a morning person, but the class went well nonetheless. My teacher is painting the retirement portrait for Masiello and is mostly a painter by trade and I think that's cool. He mentioned that he has had exhibitions in the past and has more coming up in the future and I think that's cool. Maybe I can gain some tutelage from this fellow and he can give me some direction as to what it is I need to do to have a proper exhibition. He seems alright, he's a younger guy and name dropped "The Pink" so I can't imagine he's some hard ass.

Me and my dad made a 3'x3' canvas today and I can't WAIT to get started working on that one. I promise no more Clemente'-esque portraits, but rather something a bit more surreal, so look out for that in the coming week.

I'm seriously broke at present time and it seems that everyone wants to hang out with me this week (blah). I need to buy more art supplies for my class and pay my phone bill and a few other things I'm sure. I really want AND need that job at the Co-op and I'm praying that I get it. It's so close to school and everywhere else I frequent so that would be ideal.

ladycroft - 01/24/06 14:58
Good luck on the job!

01/22/2006 22:36 #33813

Welcome to crackerbox palace!
So this weekend was sort of sedate for me, but there's much to be said about sedation. On friday i was at off the wall and I had a few drinks with friends and that was fun. On saturday i was at spot w/ another friend and that was cool. There was no place to sit so instead in went for a walk and saw all the great buildings around Elmwood and Delaware and that was fun. Good conversation was had. Later on we had dinner. This morning I went for another job interview and that went superlatively in my opinion, so hopefully I'll hear something back soon. And right now I'm just jotting down art ideas and dl'ing some music. So i mean it when I say it was sedate. Hope everyone else's weekend was good.


01/20/2006 18:50 #33812

Reinventing yourself cruelly 101


This is the newest painting I've done. It's called "Fabbish Face" and I think I'm going to send it to the Impact Gallery for a show they're doing. It's acrylic and water color with pastel on 2'x4' canvas.
ladycroft - 01/20/06 22:58
Where's the Impact Gallery?

01/20/2006 14:30 #33811

Miles and miles of Englsih garden!
More photographs of Montreal!











A sexy and pretty city by all accounts!