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Salvatore's Journal

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04/10/2006 13:43 #33829

Apple Shampoo
She didn't mean to deceive you, believe me
But sometimes the hardest part is conceiving

The good intentions that you had
Now only came to this
And although she saw the mark
The arrow missed

It isn't exciting reciting the stories
Of kind words turned hurting when routine gets boring

Both getting tired of punk rock clubs
And both playing in punk rock bands
The start was something good
But some good things must end

And she said, "It could never survive
With such differing lives
One home, one out on tour again

We may never come back
The strike of a match
The candle's burning at both ends."

And now she knows too much
And I'm too fucked up
It's awkward trying to make my move

I'll pretend that I'm fine
Show up right on time
But I know I'll never be that cool

I never wanted to hold you back
I just wanted to hold on
But my chance is gone

I know / just where / I stand / a boy
Trapped in the body of a man and

I'll take what you're willing to give
And I'll teach myself to live
With a walk-on part of a background shot
From a movie I'm not in

She's so important
And I'm so retarded

And now I realize
I should have kissed you in L.A.
But I drove home all alone
As if I had a choice, anyway

Where are you coming from?
What are you running from?
Is it so hard to see?

And if you're feeling scared
Remember the time we shared
You know it meant everything (everything)
You know that it meant everything to me

You know that it meant everything to me

jenks - 04/10/06 15:43
it's ringing a bell... what song is that sal?

04/09/2006 13:54 #33828

Bad dog
Category: salfie
I haven't posted in a while.

Having an alright time these days. The sun's been out and that's always nice.

Been filming a movie w/ Todd Eberwine, and it's such a fun experience. Everyone on set is so funny and crazy.

Recording an album w/ my friends and prepping it for a summer release! I'm really impressed with how decent it's sounding.

Training for a 5k race in June. Haven't run a race since November, so it'll be fun to get back into training mode.

Work is shit. The job is, that is to say, but the people are great. Very different than the folks at my last job.

leetee - 04/09/06 14:12
You still working at the Co-Op?

03/27/2006 23:59 #33827

Dress in white
So I posted about beggars or panhandlers or something in my last blog and I don't think I sounded very nice or right in my post. Obviously I want everyone to be alright, I'm just saying that it seems I can't go out at all without getting asked for some change or money and it's just the same people with the same routines. Some guy a couple months back asked me for some money so he could grab a beer and I told him no. What's the point of that? "Here, go get drunk on my buck". No, not really. One of my friends says he appreciates when panhandlers are honest and ask for drinking money, I say "No way". If you have to ask others to help you get drunk you have to re-examine your life and seek out real help. I do think that there are institutions in place to help the destitute or hard up, and I won't let my conscious get at me anymore about not giving up change to them. I think that's the long and short of it really. No more feeling guilty if I don't give out every last cent I have.

So what else? Nothing. :)

mrdt - 03/28/06 00:03
Once a homeless man asked me for some change because he was freezing so I gave him my gloves, scarf and hat that I bought at Target about 5 hours previous.

03/26/2006 18:16 #33826

Ring it!
I hate people with fat necks. They need to go to Celebrity Fit Club or something.

It was so nice out today. It was actually pretty alright on Saturday too. Both days I went out walking on Elmwood and stopped into some local businesses. I really think that there are too many beggars on the street now. It seems like I can't leave a place without being asked by the same people for change over and over. I just tell myself that it's better them than me and that I don't have that much money to be giving away to strangers. Wish things were different, but they're not.

So I haven't painted in a while. I'm convinced I only have so much creative energy and that it can only be utilized one way at a time. I've been writing a lot of music and acting in this short film a friend's making so I feel like I'll get back to it when I've got less on my plate. I should have a full length album of music by early June and the movie should be done before August.

I'm cool.

metalpeter - 03/27/06 16:21
To Bad the Beggers arn't budhists in there late stag of life, that would be nice. I am not an expert on Buddhism. But there is a part where once a monk and when they are Old isn't the right word but old and wise and close to ataining there higest point where they live on only what others give them. I wish I could explain it better. I havn't noticed more beggers there have always been a bunch of them around Elmwood. I don't know how other Cities are other then Toronto but what is seems odd there that beggers don't approach you really they just sit on the street with like a hat or cup or something. I admit I don't give money out anymore. Yes there really are some people who really need the money and who it will really help. But so many of them just want to get high or go drink or don't really need it and I can't tell the legit from Addicts should I call them or fakers so I give out nothing anymore.
ladycroft - 03/26/06 18:47
yeah, i'm thinkin' about my doorbell, when ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it
paul - 03/26/06 18:27
It is weird. I talked with terry about this the other day. There are more and more beggars and there are particularly more that are young and able bodied looking.

03/12/2006 08:48 #33825

I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier
O man, yesterday was SO beautiful. The weather was fantastic. I was walking down elmwood in the early afternoon and everyone was out there just walking around talking, chatting, being pleasant. Everyone was just happy to be outside and see the sun and walking their dogs and the sun didn't hide behind any clouds or anything. It was so....glorious? It was like I dunno, sort of what I imagine Penny Lane is like. There was this old promo video for penny lane back in 1967 with the Beatles just walking around on a day not too unlike yesterday and o well, the things that make you think.

As I was riding home, "All the things that I have done" byt the killers was playing and the sun was going down and i was on streets that i hadn't been on since i was a kid and it was sort of like I was seeing things for the first time. It reminded me of when my dad would take me to play baseball at the park when i was around 10 or 11 with my friend and brother and the sun would go down and no one would say anything but you didn't have to, because nothing needed to be said, life was good and you could only see it getting better. Welcome to the New World!