Holy man tiptoed his way across the ganges
The sound of magic music in his ears
Videoed by a bus load of tourists
Shiny shellsuits on, and drinking lemonade.
Now, I've got a funny feeling which I bought mail order
From a man in a tee-pee, california.
He said he once was the great game show performer
Then he blew all his money away,
Blew it all away.
So take me home, don't leave me alone
I'm not that good, but I'm not that bad
No psycho killer, hooligan geurilla
I dream to riot, oh you should try it
R. e. perot, get gold card soul
My joy of life is on a roll
And we'll all be the same in the end
Cos then you're on your own
Then you're on your own
Well, we all go happy day glow in the disco
The sound of magic music in our brains
Someone stumbles to the bathroom with the horrors
Says lord, give me time, for I've jumped into space
I'm in outer space.
So take me home, don't leave me alone
I'm not that good, but I'm not that bad
No psycho killer, hooligan geurilla
I dream to riot, oh you should try it
R. e. perot, get gold card soul
My joy of life is on a roll
And we'll all be the same in the end
Cos then you're on your own
Then you're on your own
So take me home, don't leave me alone
I'm not that good, but I'm not that bad
No psycho killer, hooligan guerilla
I dream to riot, oh you should try it
R. e. perot, get gold card soul
My joy of life is on a roll
And we'll all be the same in the end
Cos then you're on your own
Then you're on your own
Salvatore's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/31/2005 15:48 #33800
It was all a Blur...12/30/2005 15:27 #33799
Take ecstasy with me...I have this recurring dream that I'm young, maybe ten or eleven, and I'm going to school, and on my way to the bus stop, there's this concert going on in the alley by my house. It's all these bands I don't know and I'm told it happens everyfriday, along with garbage pickup and then i see Bebe Neuwirth, and she's dressed as a mail lady (like in that episode of Pete and Pete) and she sorta looks at me and smiles and so I follow her around on her route like a lost puppy. Very strange.

jessika - 12/30/05 17:46
ahh "the call." such a good episode.
ahh "the call." such a good episode.
12/27/2005 00:00 #33798
That's Why I CryI want to share some paintings I've done and hope to have some shown in the future. Lemme know how you feel about them and what have you!

Surrender #1

Sea of Metal Fish

I Want You #1

Fast Cars 1-6


Surrender #1

Sea of Metal Fish

I Want You #1

Fast Cars 1-6

ladycroft - 12/27/05 12:12
I love the minis! I want a mini soooooo bad. Jenks, I'm so jealous. I do like them all really, but the fish catch my eye, as well as the untitled piece.
I love the minis! I want a mini soooooo bad. Jenks, I'm so jealous. I do like them all really, but the fish catch my eye, as well as the untitled piece.
jenks - 12/27/05 00:22
Nice work Sal... I like 'em. All of them. But especially the fish for some reason. And I have a MINI, so I love that one. :)
Nice work Sal... I like 'em. All of them. But especially the fish for some reason. And I have a MINI, so I love that one. :)
12/26/2005 00:39 #33797
All the Summer days...I'd like to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas! Mine turned out pretty decent and I hope all of yours did too! I'd like to give a late Christmas present in this relic of a photograph I found yesterday! I hope you enjoy a good laugh!

I had short hair, no sideburns, but still those same angry eyebrows!

I had short hair, no sideburns, but still those same angry eyebrows!
12/22/2005 13:56 #33796
Too many people sharing party lines...I've been so tired and out of it lately. I've been painting until 3 in the morning and waking up @ noon the next day for a few weeks now. The exam cycle has really thrown me out of whack and I can't seem to get it right again. I just want to operate during normal hours and not live in perpetual nighttime. I think all the lack of sunlight is taking its toll on my mood. I feel so emotional or sad or let down or whatever you call it. Despondent? I don't know what it is I want though, maybe some distraction or just some good news. Any suggestions on what to do? I'm open to them!

ladycroft - 12/22/05 14:14
yes, despondent. excellent word choice. i hear ya loud and clear.
yes, despondent. excellent word choice. i hear ya loud and clear.
theecarey and i (ladycroft)is way drunk! happy new year! ciao!