Salvatore's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/15/2005 15:24 #33792
And your bird can sing!So I'd just like to say hello! Exams are over and I'm happy. I've finally got some time to just paint and play guitar to my heart's content and that's thoroughly amazing! I've been having fantastic ideas don't you know! O, and I've been getting into all sorts of new music, like early nineties U2 and Warren Zevon, and some older Tom Petty and Paul McCartney's first few solo discs and well, it's great! Thought I'd chime in with that folks! Be good!

12/10/2005 16:30 #33791
Roxy Music or Sigur Ros?12/10/2005 03:06 #33790
I'll fix you...Funny how a guy should like a girl who looks like a boy and then want her to be independent only so he can protect her, but we want what we want. :)
Welcome Salvatore - you're a cutie! :)