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06/13/2005 18:41 #33779

Basic Sailing Language


If I have a boat crash, I'll be able to tell my name. How fantastic!

What happened to my dog made me think about my disappearance performance again. This guy called Bas Jan Ader did a performance once, called "In Search of the Miraculous." He got on his boat and never came back.

He once said "The sea, the land, the artist has with great sadness known they too will be no more."

What does it mean for me? "I am just too sad to tell you."

06/12/2005 23:59 #33778

carrots were his favourite


My dad is trying to make him say something to me on the phone! Perhaps, he is just saying "leave me alone, I want to sleep!" but I hear it as a "hey Arzu I missed you too"...

Yeah, he wasn't the most well behaved dog in the world; he was especially bad to my boyfriends - even Orkan - ... He ate most of our shoes, all of my mom's lipsticks, whatever we accidentally left in our plates but after all when he laid down and opened his tummy, we always ended up patting him instead of punishing.

06/12/2005 23:01 #33777

Goodbye my best friend...

He was the best friend a person could ever ask for... We knew each other since 1987... I still remember the day we brought him to our house; he was so tiny, so sweet, so black... I loved him so much. I can do anything now just to make him run towards me one more time with his ears jumping up and down.

I am so angry to myself for coming here to do some stupid art stuff, instead of staying and taking care of him in his last days, because he was always with me in my bad days, found a way to cheer me up.

06/08/2005 18:28 #33776

Things to do
I don't know what kind of a talent is this that I can make myself always very VERY busy. This supposed to be the summer time, but everyday is full of something that I have to finish by the end of this month.

_Geethanjana's website.
_Insoon's Catalog
_Infringement Festival Promotional Stuff
_A residency Application
_A Presentation for the EPA Conference
_New Syllabus for the class

I want to go to a vacation, AGAIN! I guess I want to go to Mexico, this time. I watched "Y tu mamá también" last night that made me wanna go there. Actually it is the secong time I am seeing it; the first time I rented the DVD from Blockbusters but it was the censored ridiculous. Then, I bought the DVD when I was in Columbus and watched it again last night. I really believe that it is a good one.

Anyways, I should go to my meeting now. And I'll eat some ice cream after that.

05/29/2005 12:49 #33775


You know she is a free cat, she goes out, comes in whenever she wants. She is using my appartment just like an hotel room for a long time, where breakfasts and dinners are included to the price. WHAT PRICE? Everything is just for a meaw.

I was happy about that for a long time until the day I saw her scratching madly. She has FLEAS. So i got her a flea collar. A pink one. She looks really cute with that.

Paul, maybe it would be good if we can erase a part of our drawings rather that deleting the whole thing. I want to correct my spelling mistake!! Flee / flea! :)