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05/23/2005 16:53 #33774

Hey Paul!
Deadline: September 1 2005
The University of Massachusetts Lowell , MA
The Art Department at the University of Massachusetts Lowell seeks qualified applicants for a full-time, tenure-track position to teach undergraduate courses in 3D digital animation, interactive digital media and immersive VR photography. A MFA is required as well as an active and growing record of creative and scholarly research, exhibitions and publications.

The position appointment is effective September 1, 2005 . Applicants must show proficiency in Lightwave, Maya, digital media authoring, video editing and audio, and
demonstrate an interest in and an understanding of new media theory and contemporary art and culture. Applicants must also show some experience in Web design and Macintosh lab management. Salary and benefits will comm ensurate with the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor.

To apply, send a letter of application, resume and portfolio. Please include examples of animation and digital
interactive media, examples of student work, teaching philosophy, syllabi, three letters of reference and a SASE and send to: Animation Search Committee, Art Department/UMass Lowell, 71 Wilder Street, Suite 8 , Lowell , MA 01854 .

05/25/2005 17:50 #33773

219B is not mine anymore...
I cleaned my studio today. Everything is in boxes which perhaps I will never ever open again. The most sad thing was, I had to destroy one of my friends' artwork painted on one of the walls. It is not there anymore, just because of the silly rules of the department. Studios must look like hospital rooms, all white. I had to paint 4 layers of white paint in order to cover it. Actually I used light grey, I think that looks better!!!

I need to find a new studio space urgently. Before that, I need to find a job to be able to pay the rent of the new studio space. Future scares me. That is maybe good because I can't find energy to feel sad about now: leaving the school, leaving the studio that I spent my 2 years. I cleaned everything. Nobody can tell this space belonged to me. I even took the sign out which my name was written on...

I feel bad...





05/22/2005 22:35 #33772

15 hours road trip with a digital camera
4 of 1000 pictures

05/21/2005 09:32 #33771

Back in Buffalo...
I still can't believe how everything went that well. I know we (Liz, Robin, Soyeon and me) know each other for almost 2 years, but I never thought we were that close. We lived together for 5 days in Robin's parents house in Adairsville, Georgia. Everything was really REALLY good. (Especially the home made dinners of Mrs. Brasington)

I liked being in the South; I don't mind south, north, whatever... I LIKED the SUN. I liked waking up in a sunny day, siting on the porch swinging, drinking coffee, chatting with friends, playing with Maybell, jumping on the trampoline with Liz & Kia.

Life was so beautiful there. Now, I have to deal with the problems, which I was trying to forget for 5 days.

One of my students is unhappy with his grade (B-), and he is asking for an explanation. I am wondering, should I be really honest and tell him that he did a really bad job this in the class or try not to break his heart more?

First, I'll have my breakfast!

05/12/2005 13:48 #33770

good days... bad days...

It is sad that I will never ever see some of these people again in my life. I am glad that we had this photo together... (photo by Jay Ariaz)