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05/03/2005 14:48 #33766

Thesis Defence
Yesterday I had my thesis defence meeting. Although one of my committee members didn't attend the meeting - the meeting was very helpful and fun - the other two signed my M Form, which was the last paper work for the garduation.

I will really miss those people. Honestly, I didn't feel that way when i first left my country, friends and family. I guess it is because this is the first time I am with people who can understand me and have an understanding of what I am trying to do in life. That's why, one side of me says "stay in Buffalo" but the other side feels like I shoud continue my adventure and go where ever it takes me. I don't know why it is so hard to decide this time?

Tomorrow (Wednesday) I am going to do my final performance for the Performance Art Class. I am going to go to downtown and walk on Main Street with a fence around me. This project is entitled as "self defence" refering to the high walls, secured gates and fenced gardens in rich neigborhoods. Although they protect you from the unwelcomed others but at the same time trap you inside.

04/26/2005 10:13 #33765

Sunday @ 2PM
Photo by Nicole Coleman / Spectrum Reporter


04/25/2005 13:44 #33764

Monday Monday...
I am still not sure, if I dreamt about public transphere all weekend long or it really happened? I have very different feelings about what had happened in the van, i guess i will spend the rest of my time writing about it...

After all, I have to say that I believe everything worked really well. (e:Paul) and Jesse were amazingly helpful and supportive... James Holland and Orkan too... To be honest, I enjoyed when our technology resisted working sometimes, because everything was very situational, risky!, unexpected so i believe something working perfect would be artificial. We discussed about the role of technology a lot after the first day. For my side I really liked being in the van but also being able to watch the image of the van moving on the website. I think it created this contrast of being in and out. Although people were able to see where the van is passing at the given moment, they had no idea most of the time what was going on. Perhaps, audio streaming helped a little, but still, being in the van was intense most of the times.

I don't know, I am still sleepy... And I know I have to wake up as soon as possible and start writing my papers and do a performance for Millie's class.

04/18/2005 22:16 #33763

Life is full of surprises!
I was walking by the lake at CFA on Saturday afternoon, a man and his little son were walking towards me. The guy asked me, if I would mind taking a picture of him with his son. I said of course not. He gave me the camera, and showed me how to use it. It was a regular digital camera, wasn't hard to use.
Then, suddenly, the guy took off his t-shirt., then his trousers, and stood there in front of me only with his g-string (a black one). I was really surprised but of course I acted like taking pictures of naked men is a very usual activity for me. He and his son did some body builder poses... I took their pictures... People around us were laughing at me, I must look like I was paralyzed. But I continued taking pictures in a serious manner, just like a professional photographer ...
I enjoyed it, though.
And I decided to do the same thing one day: I'll ask somebody to take my picture and then I'll take of my clothes.
What are clothes for anyway?
We should all get naked... a Party!? ... Maybe after Public Transphere

Paul and Jesse did an amazing software. I hope we can go to some conferences and present the project to a broader audience. Especially to Europe. It would be so amazing. Actually there is something at Budapest. We'll see what happens!

04/12/2005 18:20 #33762

Printers are out of order....
I am monitoring (supposedly tutoring) at the computer lab right now. The most boring times of my life. I am just sitting here and hoping for people to come up with some questions. But usually they don't. I wish they could ask some really serious questions, not only technical, but like "the meaning of life" type of questions, which would make me think for 30 minutes to come up --or not-- with an answer... But the only question I am hearing since 3PM is "Are the printers working?" NO. They are not, and I have no idea what happened to them.

Perhaps they realized that life is meaningless. Or they are on strike? All three of them (1 color and 2 b&w) united and decided not to print, unless the school feeds them with better paper and toner?!!!

I have 1 more hour to go. I want to be with my sister. She is here in Buffalo. She came to visit me but I am sitting here all by myself, imagining printers resisting the existing system of the department.

And I am getting hungry.