It's realy weird... I cannot log in with Firefox to elmwoodstrip. It says my password is invalid. But in safari everything is ok... Yes Paul, I cleared the cookies.
I downloaded Firefox, just because of this lady, continuously saying " I hope you are using Firefox that is easier for me" and actually I started liking using it. But now I cannot log in. Help.
So, what a week. I guess, I am not writing to my journal since the spring break. DC was really fun. We went to this Turkish restaurant and ordered almost everything on the menu. I have to admit that the portions were really small but everything was extremely delicious. A place called "Meze", somewhere in DC. I am really bad in remembering the names of the streets. It should be one of these numbered ones. 17 perhaps.
Since than, I am (we are) working like crazy. 20 days left for the big thing. Although, I am having so much fun, I want things to be over soon. I want to relax. I have this stomach ache everyday now. I am waking up with it, teaching with it... Even now, I have it and I am sick of it.
Rzoo's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/03/2005 13:57 #33760
firefox03/18/2005 06:12 #33758
Big Day TomorrowI am tired... sleepy... but so nervous about the meeting tomorrow so i know that if i go to bed, i won't be able to sleep at all and just wiggle hysterically... I wish I could be able to sleep more. What is wrong with me?
Tomorrow is the meeting with the city people. I'll ask for some money for Public Trans-phere. No... I'll beg them to give us some money! I really want to do this project. Especially now. We had a meeting with Paul and Jesse today, which was inspiring. (for me at least)... We have all these great ideas... I feel it though, city people will like it... Please...please...
Oh, I almost forgot, there is another thing that makes me not sleep. I am going to Romania in 2 months. I have been accepted to a biennale in Romania, but I really don't have time to think about it. What will I send? How will I go? It is really weird, sometimes nothing happens, but sometimes everything happens at the same time.
What a coincidence, I have just seen Bram Stoker's Dracula. I love that movie. Yeah yeah, i am going to Romania!!! I should have some fun there... I hope... I hope it is not just a serious art gathering! Actually, I don't think I can be happy outside the Buffalo art community. There are many people here thinking/feeling excatly the same way I do. I enjoy working/talking with them. But still I am searching for other opportunities in Europe. This is such a schizophrenic behavior. Really, I am so weird these days. A week ago I told my self that I'll let my hair grow, and at the same evening i cut it? Perhaps my id and ego are not going very well, ha?
Tomorrow is the meeting with the city people. I'll ask for some money for Public Trans-phere. No... I'll beg them to give us some money! I really want to do this project. Especially now. We had a meeting with Paul and Jesse today, which was inspiring. (for me at least)... We have all these great ideas... I feel it though, city people will like it... Please...please...
Oh, I almost forgot, there is another thing that makes me not sleep. I am going to Romania in 2 months. I have been accepted to a biennale in Romania, but I really don't have time to think about it. What will I send? How will I go? It is really weird, sometimes nothing happens, but sometimes everything happens at the same time.
What a coincidence, I have just seen Bram Stoker's Dracula. I love that movie. Yeah yeah, i am going to Romania!!! I should have some fun there... I hope... I hope it is not just a serious art gathering! Actually, I don't think I can be happy outside the Buffalo art community. There are many people here thinking/feeling excatly the same way I do. I enjoy working/talking with them. But still I am searching for other opportunities in Europe. This is such a schizophrenic behavior. Really, I am so weird these days. A week ago I told my self that I'll let my hair grow, and at the same evening i cut it? Perhaps my id and ego are not going very well, ha?
03/16/2005 02:17 #33756
Public TransphereI guess, FINALLY!, my thesis project is going somewhere... I'll do the first test drive tomorrow, to define the finalized route and check out the approximate time. I start liking it. After all the trouble I experienced with the transportation authorities...things are going smoother now. Especially the idea of working with Paul and Jesse is so comforting. (Paul what do you think about the flyer? I only have the front page, yet)
By the way, my cat ran away an hour ago. Actually she didn't run away but just hid in one of the luggages inside the storage place and made us think as if she ran away. She is such a character.

By the way, my cat ran away an hour ago. Actually she didn't run away but just hid in one of the luggages inside the storage place and made us think as if she ran away. She is such a character.