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03/14/2005 22:29 #33755

You know what Russian people say about vodka, they say vodka is like truth. You can't drink vodka with your mouth, it is not a playful drink like wine or cocktail, its taste is bitter so you need to swallow quickly, directly with your throat. It burns your throat, just like the truth hurts you, however, the warm feeling coming from your stomach afterwards, makes you feel relax and somewhat happy.

Cheers to that, ha?

03/13/2005 00:15 #33754

bad girl
I forgot that today is my sister's bithday. I forgot to call her... I feel so bad. I missed them a lot. I wish they were all here, or I was there. Shitttt.


03/12/2005 23:21 #33753

extra strenght
Spring Break didn't start good for me. I have terrible period pain. I spent whole day in bed, took millions of pain killers... I finally found the energy to turn on my computer. Agnes (my cat) is sitting on my laptop case and looking into my eyes continuously. I assume she is starving now but there is no cat food at home. I am a terrible cat owner. I like her a lot but I think I am not a very responsible person. And she makes me feel bad by making me think that I am irresponsible. Maybe I should have listened to my mom. She advised me not to get any pets until I finish school but, as always, I did not listen to her.

But I really love Agnes. She is so interesting;
to live with something that does not understand anything I say is so fun. She does whatever she wants. She never thinks what other people (me) will say, she just does. I wish I could be like her. No rules, no social rules, no institutions.

03/11/2005 09:30 #33752

Thank You all... Any more?


_ Low Cost of Living
_ Poor Urban Planning
_ Job Market
_ Water Bills
_ Favorite Local Band
_ Prefer New/Old Buildings
_ Metro Rail Good/Bad
_ County Taxes
_ Budget Cuts
_ Sex Education in Schools
_ Tax money will never be spent to improve the city

03/10/2005 13:20 #33751

I need to find some topics about Buffalo to trigger some discussions among a momentary group of people... (who don't know each other at all)... Sort of a free discussion corner... I have to make them discuss about something... What could it be? Any Ideas?