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03/11/2005 09:30 #33752

Thank You all... Any more?


_ Low Cost of Living
_ Poor Urban Planning
_ Job Market
_ Water Bills
_ Favorite Local Band
_ Prefer New/Old Buildings
_ Metro Rail Good/Bad
_ County Taxes
_ Budget Cuts
_ Sex Education in Schools
_ Tax money will never be spent to improve the city

03/10/2005 13:20 #33751

I need to find some topics about Buffalo to trigger some discussions among a momentary group of people... (who don't know each other at all)... Sort of a free discussion corner... I have to make them discuss about something... What could it be? Any Ideas?

03/07/2005 23:52 #33750

first try
My place is really cold tonight... My toes are FREEZING! and they are painted in mango mango color under two layers of woolen socks. Thanks to Chris! As I don't have a nail polish remover, i guess i have to wait until i assign Chris's next task to get rid of them.