I am definitely not saying protection is not necessary. But how people are exaggerating this situation is bothering me a lot. I heard of stories like, there are people living in the suburbs who have never ever came to downtown Buffalo as they believe it is dangerous here. They chose to “fence in” themselves into their small, tiny, "neighborhood watch" community to live their lives securely.
I have several examples from my own country (Turkey) where people do not let their daughters/girl friends/partners…etc. to go out at nights because they think something bad can happen. Families usually, literally, trap those young women in to their rooms and wait them find husbands. Then the same thing continues in the husband’s house, of course. So what happens, lots of insecure, mad, silent women go insane in their “highly secure” lives.
Indeed, something can happen -to any of us- any time, but it is not any safer to live with this paranoia, believing all “ others” are waiting out there to attack us on the walkway.
Rzoo's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/07/2005 06:25 #33784
self defence II08/06/2005 14:38 #33783
self defenceI googled the name of my performance and found this website
It is so scary to know there are some paranoiacs hanging around us. Guess my project is working fucking well. Maybe I should build more and sell my fence costume through that website.

It is so scary to know there are some paranoiacs hanging around us. Guess my project is working fucking well. Maybe I should build more and sell my fence costume through that website.
jason - 08/06/05 14:38
Hmm. Right or wrong I am for women who live in sketchy areas having non-lethal ways of defending themselves. I know that I worry about my sister sometimes, being the protective older brother. Anyway what is your performance about? Is there someplace I can look for info?
Hmm. Right or wrong I am for women who live in sketchy areas having non-lethal ways of defending themselves. I know that I worry about my sister sometimes, being the protective older brother. Anyway what is your performance about? Is there someplace I can look for info?
paul - 08/05/05 21:24
The is always selfdefense.org
The is always selfdefense.org
08/04/2005 21:59 #33782
Promo: HydrationThe weather forecast for this weekend: Hot. Muggy.
Sounds like you’re going to need HYDRATION.
This weekend a performer will be roaming the streets
of Allentown, dispensing cups filled with ice to
thirsty passers-by. The cups will direct participants
to a dwelling on Elmwood Avenue between Allen and
North Streets.
At this location, a machine that has been specially
engineered for HYDRATION will be hanging from the
second floor window to the sidewalk below. This
device will haul the cups up to the second floor
apartment where a second performer will fill them with
delicious, hydrating fluids. She will then use the
contraption to send the beverage back down to street
level, providing a refreshing pick-me-up for
Allentown’s pedestrians.
Saturday & Sunday, August 6 & 7
3:00pm – 5:00pm both days
Allentown neighborhood in Buffalo, NY
So take a stroll around Allentown this weekend and be
on the lookout for our ice-laden performer. Should
you collide with her you will be able to appreciate
the sensual experience of HYDRATION.
HYDRATION is a collaborative performance conceived and
executed by Julie Perini and Arzu Ozkal. This project
is being presented as a part of Buffalo’s Infringement
Sounds like you’re going to need HYDRATION.
This weekend a performer will be roaming the streets
of Allentown, dispensing cups filled with ice to
thirsty passers-by. The cups will direct participants
to a dwelling on Elmwood Avenue between Allen and
North Streets.
At this location, a machine that has been specially
engineered for HYDRATION will be hanging from the
second floor window to the sidewalk below. This
device will haul the cups up to the second floor
apartment where a second performer will fill them with
delicious, hydrating fluids. She will then use the
contraption to send the beverage back down to street
level, providing a refreshing pick-me-up for
Allentown’s pedestrians.
Saturday & Sunday, August 6 & 7
3:00pm – 5:00pm both days
Allentown neighborhood in Buffalo, NY
So take a stroll around Allentown this weekend and be
on the lookout for our ice-laden performer. Should
you collide with her you will be able to appreciate
the sensual experience of HYDRATION.
HYDRATION is a collaborative performance conceived and
executed by Julie Perini and Arzu Ozkal. This project
is being presented as a part of Buffalo’s Infringement

robin - 08/04/05 21:59
Did you go to the pink and rock it last night?
Never fear we shall rock together again.
I want to know about how your project with Julie goes. also I want to hear about the Super-Intense Decision Show.
Good luck being kind to strangers and people you know, this weekend, giving them stuff.they'll like it.
Did you go to the pink and rock it last night?
Never fear we shall rock together again.
I want to know about how your project with Julie goes. also I want to hear about the Super-Intense Decision Show.
Good luck being kind to strangers and people you know, this weekend, giving them stuff.they'll like it.
08/04/2005 20:11 #33781
Robin COME BACK...08/04/2005 11:03 #33780
elmwood stripI moved to my new apartment today. It was a real mess. I had to clean the place with tons of detergents and other stuff, and -although i wore plastic gloves- my hands hurt now. I cannot believe how dirty the previous tenants were. You wouldn't believe too if you did see the place.
Now everything is settled. Now, I am literally living on Elmwood Strip. (the end of the strip or is it the beginning of it?) Allen crossing Elmwood. Whatever. I am tired. So so tired.
Now everything is settled. Now, I am literally living on Elmwood Strip. (the end of the strip or is it the beginning of it?) Allen crossing Elmwood. Whatever. I am tired. So so tired.
I think that when the suburbanites talk about how dangerous it is in the city (omg! black ppl!) I agree with what you're saying.
Amen to that , Sister!