The weather forecast for this weekend: Hot. Muggy.
Sounds like you’re going to need HYDRATION.
This weekend a performer will be roaming the streets
of Allentown, dispensing cups filled with ice to
thirsty passers-by. The cups will direct participants
to a dwelling on Elmwood Avenue between Allen and
North Streets.
At this location, a machine that has been specially
engineered for HYDRATION will be hanging from the
second floor window to the sidewalk below. This
device will haul the cups up to the second floor
apartment where a second performer will fill them with
delicious, hydrating fluids. She will then use the
contraption to send the beverage back down to street
level, providing a refreshing pick-me-up for
Allentown’s pedestrians.
Saturday & Sunday, August 6 & 7
3:00pm – 5:00pm both days
Allentown neighborhood in Buffalo, NY
So take a stroll around Allentown this weekend and be
on the lookout for our ice-laden performer. Should
you collide with her you will be able to appreciate
the sensual experience of HYDRATION.
HYDRATION is a collaborative performance conceived and
executed by Julie Perini and Arzu Ozkal. This project
is being presented as a part of Buffalo’s Infringement
Hmm. Right or wrong I am for women who live in sketchy areas having non-lethal ways of defending themselves. I know that I worry about my sister sometimes, being the protective older brother. Anyway what is your performance about? Is there someplace I can look for info?
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