This morning I woke up at 8am from a creepy dream. Here is how it went...
I was babysitting 4 preschool aged children in an apartment in a sky rise building. One of the kids was Kiah, my niece. The kids were driving me nuts because...well... kids are so energetic and I couldn't smoke in the apartment. Some other old person was there with me, a cousin or something. I finally got completely fed up and said, "ok, we are going outside. I have to smoke" So we all headed for the elevators. I had to run back into the apartment to change the laundry so the kids went on downstairs with the cousin. I put the laundry in the dryer and took the elevator down to the lobby. In the lobby my niece was standing next to a bosomy, middle-aged black woman. The woman was smiling going on about what a little sweetheart, Kiah is.
I was surprised to see Kiah standing with strangers but the strangers were nice so I was relieved. I called Kiah back onto the elevator and went to the recreation level were the deck was, to see if I could find everyone else. We found my cousin and two of the other children but a little boy named Jason was missing. I was angry that the cousin lost jason. I left the children with the cousin and went with my aunt outside to find Jason.
We looked but didn't see him anywhere. We went back inside the sky rise by means of some weird horizontal elevator that goes through the lobby and then up. While we went through the lobby I opened the door to look for Jason. At first, no Jason but then I saw a little boy standing, in the distance, by a plant. I started screaming out, Jason, Jason and he ran over to the elevator, smiling and happy(relieved). I grabbed him in my arms and we continued on the elevator back to the recreation level.
I asked him, "Jason, where were you?" and he didn't say anything. I said "You need to tell me, I have to take care of you" and he said he didn't want to say. I sensed something was wrong and asked"Who were you with, a man or a woman?" He ignored that question but said "They banged my head into a pillow and it burned down there(he points to his genitals) and got all brown."
Ok so that's when I woke up from this dream. I was laying there forever think of what to do. Call the police first or take him to the hospital?
I guess if this were a real situation I would go get the rest of the kids. Go to the hospital and call the police from there. Have them check the security camera's in the sky rise and find out where the child molester lives.
It's frustrating to have bad dreams that end before any real conclusion. It's good I found the little boy but it's scary to think of what happened to him and how it was to late for me to protect him.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/13/2006 11:18 #33676
Bad Dream04/11/2006 21:57 #33675
visiter04/11/2006 17:17 #33674
busy as all get outwish me luck.
04/07/2006 15:10 #33673
more more moreWhat about this video? I know more of you have watched it than letting on. I can see it on the web stats. What do you think? 
I told y'all my Dad went nuts on this ancestor stuff.
this is Annie may, my granny's sister. She was one of the first women race car drivers.
this is her with my great granny.

I have no idea who these people are except they have my last name. Looks like mustaches run in the family.

The little one is my dad. The other two are his siblings.

My dead great uncle's would be wife. I bet WWII really pissed her off.

Here is my granny with her mama

And this is my granny. apparently I have some Cherokee blood from her mother's side of the family.

This was my grandpa, he was that raggedy lil boy in black, member?

I told y'all my Dad went nuts on this ancestor stuff.
this is Annie may, my granny's sister. She was one of the first women race car drivers.

this is her with my great granny.

I have no idea who these people are except they have my last name. Looks like mustaches run in the family.

The little one is my dad. The other two are his siblings.

My dead great uncle's would be wife. I bet WWII really pissed her off.

Here is my granny with her mama

And this is my granny. apparently I have some Cherokee blood from her mother's side of the family.

This was my grandpa, he was that raggedy lil boy in black, member?

paul - 04/07/06 16:07
those pictures are so awesome. I scanned hundreds from my grandma's house before she died and then after she dies I inherited a ton of audio tap eon reels. i don;t know how to play it to make it into audio files, do you?
those pictures are so awesome. I scanned hundreds from my grandma's house before she died and then after she dies I inherited a ton of audio tap eon reels. i don;t know how to play it to make it into audio files, do you?
Oh my god that is seriously the scariest thing ever. I have a 6-year old little boy, and that is seriously a mother's worst nightmare, particularly living in the ghetto...
I wouldn't even have been able to put that dream into words, I would've had to forget all about it right away. As it is, probably 3 or 4 times a month, I get totally scared something like that will happen, and I go into Elijah's room where he's totally peaceful sleeping and cry and pray over him.....
Creepy dream... *shiver*