Thanks for the cow advice. I wish things were easier. All I want to do is walk a cow around downtown Buffalo but without a truck or money, it just seems infeasible. I really have to get a move on if you know what I mean. It has to do with the changing of times. I hate being commodity dependent for happiness but at the same time, could you imagine killing your own meat?
I hate seeing my sister make up to her daughter for the lack of time she spends with her by buying her shit. I know she has bills but what if she just quit her job and hung out. I mean food and shelter are the biggies. They always have shelter. They could make a garden. What about me though? I buy shit all the time with God Damn loans, usually ephemeral things intended for immediate consumption but not always. I have a media addiction, books, movies and music.
I'm bothered.
I really can be bothered.
I found an old roll of film and had it developed. It's from inside my old apt. at 226 elmwood. I think I cooked mac and cheese for Soy. It was back before she moved to the suburbia and became a housewife.
reason # 2304 not to have a boyfriend
regular sex makes the majority of people lazy and boring (but then some people have always been one or the other), must be a comfort thing.

I know that Knox Farm out in East Aurora (about 30 min away) has various livestock that they raise for living, not killin'. I took a photo of a creepy goat eye there awhile back... I don't know if they would LOAN you an animal, but you might be able to utilize one for awhile... Also, aren't there any 4H chapters in the area? There's got to be. I bet some kid raising her project cow would let you borrow it...
Ask a dairy farm; they're usually pretty helpful. We were organizing a cow chip bingo :::link::: game at school once and got in touch with a local dairy farm. They wanted to know which breed we wanted, male/female, &c., but all we cared about was whether it was a reliable crapper. Careful, though - sometimes they don't expect to get them back.
- Z