The people in these interviews are from my Dad's hometown. This was a little mill town called Bynum. The mill closed in the 70's or 80's so now this town is going through gentrification from the research triangle people. My dad's always told stories about bynum. Here is a link to some of his stories that I recorded

I sent my Dad a link to those interviews and asked him for the names of my grandparents brotherrrs and sisters. Now my Dad keeps sending me stuff. I've inherited the role of keeper of the family history. This is good because I'm interested in family mythologies more that institutionalized history.
The first thimg I learned was that I have a connection to Greensboro through my paternal Grandma "granny" apparently granny's daddy was from Greensboro. He died early and granny's mother didn't want anything to do with her dead husbands family.
quoting my dad
"They all moved to Bynum just as the great Depression was
starting. After Mother's father died, Mother's Mother told the lawyers
for the Montgomery estate that she wanted no part of hell's half acres.
Mother's father was a Montgomery and his family came to Gilford County
around 1750 from Lancaster, Penn."
"The Montgomery Plantation lasted through the revolutionary and civil war.
The Montgomery's lost the final 60 acres in 1974 when the city of
Greensboro took it to build a sewer plant."
apparently if I can track down the sewer plant in Greensboro I can track down "hell's half acres" so... the same thing goes for the brasington plantation but I guess that was sold off much earlier in 1920.
My Granny started working in the mill when she was 14. Once again quoting my dad.
"Lee Montgomery was the first one to move to Bynum when he was about 19. He
went there to get a job after his Father died. Lee got Mother a job in the mill when she was about 14. Then Marion and Clemont moved to Bynum and got a job. They all lived with Lee until Lee got married. Annie May lived with her mother until she got married the first time. Your Granny started dipping snuff when she was about 14 because the old mill hands told her to dip it so she did not breathe in the cotton dust from the machines. They all moved to Bynum just as the great Depression was
starting. "
Today my dad, well I call hin Daddy pronounced "deddy" today he sent me a bunch of old pictures. I think he's really bored since his retirement. So here are the pics he sent.
This is my Dad as a young man. I think it's his high school graduation photo.

These two are my Granny's brothers. (McGee) Montgomery, I heard in one of the audio histories online that Mcgee used to participate in quilting circles. He died around D-day in France, 1944. Hy dad who was born in 1944 is named after McGee who's given name was Marion Moore. The man in the hat is named Clemont. "Clemont is the one who was shot in the head as a teenager and later died. After Clemont was shot, his brain never developed anymore so he acted sorta like a 15 year old boy the rest of his life. Even though his brain never developed, he had total recall and could remember anything he saw or read. He could quote the whole bible from memory. "

This one is of my grandfather (the little boy in black). I never met him. He died when my Dad was 5. He was born in 1907.

so even though I've always associated my dad with Bynum I guess my grandparents moved there to get jobs and actually come from othe parts of north Carolina.
If I read Josh's comments right he is talking about friends with Benifits or a realiable booty call guy. It sounds like a good Idea to me. Yeah sometimes the girl and or the guy can start to feal attached with out realising it but that dosn't always happen. Maybe find someone who you can call when you want but who if you meet some other guy at say the pink or wherever and he sees you with him it won't be a problem for. I wish you the best of luck with that.
that's a load of CROCK! i tried that - it doesn't work. guys are dumb as bricks.
Ms. Robin. :) I'd like to address your two most recent journal entries.
Although I don't know you that well, I don't think you scare men. You're a complicated lady, so if anything maybe its that guys are confused about you rather than scared. For example, I'm confused about the herring thing - I come from a Swedish family and even WE never ate that shit. I'm also confused about the picture of the tub.
How is your project going?
Anyhow, about the guys - look. Guys are pigs and will do pretty much anything to get laid. What you need is a friends with benefits kind of situation. Us fellas are pretty much gagging to get some action, so pick a good one out. Then, just say, "Look, I just want some action and I am not about to deal with some drama... don't get clingy on me and you're going to be VERY happy."
The fella might be stunned and confused for a minute, but once he wraps his brain around the proposition he'd be a fool not to take it. He might not be a "boyfriend" per se, but on the other hand you are still getting what you want, so fuck it.
Having a boyfriend doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a housewife one day. Actually, to be completely honest, if I ever get married and my wife isn't working, I'm going to be fucking PISSED. This is more or less universal for most guys, although there are some exceptions. For example, you definitely don't want to hear what Jason has to say about girls who demand a certain size diamond for her engagement, for example. Its shocking, disturbing, cheauvanistic, macho and demeaning.