Yesterday I spent the day preparing an application for

Sounds like a good graduation present doesn't it? Let's see if I can finish. The work is no problem but the motivation to write about it is a problem. My committeee is indifferent as they are concerned with their own practice. I'm just going to give them everything and see what they say. I know a few different things I could write about so I guess I'll have around three sections. I wish my neighbor would cut off this Internet connection, maybe then I would be less distracted. Soyeon has convinced me to do the walk. I'm only doing it because it will get my family up here to visit. Lori has promised to bring Kiah to visit. I know she'll never bring her but I bet my Mama and Daddy will. It's time for me to leave UB that's fo sho. A person can only handle so much schoolin and I think 20 years of it has been enough for me.
Here is a link to a quicktime I made of Kiah.

ok so i feel bad bitching about my committe. They have recommended all kinds of great books to me which I have read... and i find helpful...
you can lead a horse to water, it may choose to drink but damned if you can make it regurgitate all that water.
amd yes mt that is the andrew sisters.
WOW!!! Is that the andrew sisters???---user sound/