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03/27/2006 02:47 #33666

what pin up are you?
  • I am Bettie Page***

Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people like you are cultish about it

What Famous Pinup Are You?


03/25/2006 16:18 #33665

put to work
It looks like I'll be bar tending for soyeon tonight with liz. I have a new upstairs neighbor who has a dog. The walls are are not sound proof and the doggy is barking all the time. The dog bite on my back is healing nicely. It no longer hurts, just itches.
Yesterday I spent the day preparing an application for Elsewhere Artist Collaborative. It would be good to get that. I'll try for it and worry about the money later. I guess I could live off of 50 dollars a week and if I spent 6 weeks there that's only 350 dollars.
Sounds like a good graduation present doesn't it? Let's see if I can finish. The work is no problem but the motivation to write about it is a problem. My committeee is indifferent as they are concerned with their own practice. I'm just going to give them everything and see what they say. I know a few different things I could write about so I guess I'll have around three sections. I wish my neighbor would cut off this Internet connection, maybe then I would be less distracted. Soyeon has convinced me to do the walk. I'm only doing it because it will get my family up here to visit. Lori has promised to bring Kiah to visit. I know she'll never bring her but I bet my Mama and Daddy will. It's time for me to leave UB that's fo sho. A person can only handle so much schoolin and I think 20 years of it has been enough for me.

Here is a link to a quicktime I made of Kiah. It's difficult to direct a 5 year old so it's pretty rough.

ok so i feel bad bitching about my committe. They have recommended all kinds of great books to me which I have read... and i find helpful...

you can lead a horse to water, it may choose to drink but damned if you can make it regurgitate all that water.

amd yes mt that is the andrew sisters.
mrdt - 03/25/06 16:36
WOW!!! Is that the andrew sisters???---user sound/

03/24/2006 00:55 #33664


from 7 to 9 this Saturday Soyeon is having an opening. Be there or be square, that is what I say. We have to really rock it afterwards because Soyeon has been a total recluse all semester with the excuse of "I have to work" Lets see what she's been doing.

PS.... does somebody wanna give me a ride to the opening?

Two MFA Exhibitions Opening on this Saturday Night at 7pm.
Memory of November (North Gallery)
Multi-Video Installation Work by Soyeon Jung

I'm in the Wrong Film (East Gallery)
Photography and Video Work by Hans Gindlesberger

On View: March 25 - April 22, 2006
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 25 - 7-9pm

Carnegie Art Center
240 Goundry Street
Gallery Hours: Wed-Fri, 11-4, Sat, 1-4,

Direction: From the I-290
Take Colvin exit North
Then Twin City Highway North
Turn Left on Tremont St
Right on Payne Ave, left on Goundry

Two MFA thesis shows will be held at Carnegie Art Center on March 25th (this coming Saturday). Please come by and take a look at the work. There will be homemade food at the opening. Also, there is a party after the opening at Arzu's house.

Direction to Arzu's place: 114 elmwood Ave, just off of Allen Street.
joshua - 03/24/06 07:47
Greensboro isn't boring I don't believe - its like a more affluent version of Rochester... which I guess doesn't exactly help. I haven't gotten the chance to check out any nightlife here, but it seems like its a decent area. But when I travel, a decent area consists of good hotels and good restaurants. So who knows? Ha.

03/23/2006 18:39 #33663

does my site suck? any suggestions for improvement? I'm not a web designer and it's pissing me off! Are all the compressed files to big?
joshua - 03/23/06 21:34
I like the pictures on the front page. I wish I had a computer at the hotel that I could hear the sounds with - I clicked on the link that said "how my grandfather died" and got nothing. :(

Oh well - I like it anyway Robin, and I'll check it out when I get home also.

03/21/2006 02:47 #33662

physical space
Category: transitions
It's back to Buffalo tomorrow afternoon. I delayed my return two days to avoid the greyhound and fly. I'll go to the pink tomorrow night to catch up with everyone and ease back into my assimilation. I'm going to be happy to get home where I can smoke cigarettes inside but I'm going to be sad because I left my apartment in such a mess. I have a tendency to shock myself upon returning.
I'm wore out from all this family. My three little nieces are out of control. Kiah is the ring leader, Gracie is her Goldilocked follower, and little Lea just toddles after them. Lea likes to put on one high heel slipper and walk around. Kiah also liked to put on enlarged shoes at that age. Kiah may have liked the attention but Lea doesn't get undivided attention like Kiah did. Lea honestly likes to walk around with one big slipper. Did I mention Lea has my smile? One year olds are the great, into everything but still pretty low key.
I went and told my Mawmaw bye. She doesn't want me to move to NYC after school. She asked how about Atlanta? I said, I've already lived there. It's about time for a new place. I told her not to worry because I'll be back for her birthday, I heard she's turning 40. She laughed, I guess she'll really be about 78 or something. I like it when Mawmaw says, "Well, bless your bones."
I want to apply for this residency in North Carolina. It's in an old thrift store. My Dad is from North Carolina and I just recorded an hour of his storytelling. I wonder what I could find in the thrift store to combine with that? Unfortunately this is an mostly unfunded residency. They give you housing for a month or two but I would be on my own for groceries and whatnot. I would be ok if I were teaching a summer course but Roy hasn't offered, further proving his dishonesty and I'm burned out on media study students anyway. Are the awesome few worth it? I think I want to work for myself, freelance somehow.
I can go on and on but I think I'll go take advantage of the digital cable. I've been avoiding it all week but finally.... I hear the babysitter calling.