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02/22/2006 02:37 #33643

lazy big belly
Category: buffalo soldier
I just ate a pickle and remembered...

at 12 years old I stepped out of the shower and went into my room. I was then on my waterbed in the towel, leaning over, back exposed when Gretchen got me with a pickle. She bit off half of that sucker and rubbed the slimy part down my bare back. I got so pissed and hopped up to run to the bathroom and give myself another quick dip in the tub. When I got into the bathroom I slipped on some water and busted my tail end.

Gretchen was a weirdo neighbor friend of mine. Once we were walking through the woods and we found a dead calf. The calf looked pregnant. Gretchen stepped on its leg and it's whole body moved. Then Gretchen broke down sobbing.

The other night I dreamed that Gretchen was in my bed pregnant. I had brought her home from a party. She died in her sleep. When I woke up and found her dead I didn't want to tell anyone so she was there untill she started to stink. I felt guilty that I didn't try to cut out the baby.

weird dreams lately...

Friday night I had a failed one night stand. I was so wasted and went to the pink around 2. I proceeded to get more wasted. Then I brought a young man home with me but he didn't fuck me. It was a frustrating experience. He's still interested in me but I don't think I have the patience or time for seducing a boy who I can't see myself with for a long duration.

On Saturday I'm going to be inviting everyone into my bed at the lenox. I'll be in the bed watching a video of myself alone and pathetically drunk and lonely. I'll invite people to come into the bed with me, get drunk, watch the video and talk. I'm trying to reverse the recorded situation through interaction with people. I wonder if I'll still feel so pathetic if I manage to get 10 people in the bed. If anyone wants to go to that event (IMK maybe) it's a better idea to go by rust belt books before hand for a ticket, that way it's 12 dollars rather than 15.

Other than that I'm starting to freak out about my thesis. Will I actually be able to pull it off? Paul how did you do it? Have you finished up? It seems like the media study department is the hotel california of graduate schools. It must be my fault if I feel so completly lost.

theecarey - 02/22/06 22:41
I'm (most likely) coming! thanks for the ticket info :)

imk2 - 02/22/06 20:26
ok, will be there. make room in that bed!
metalpeter - 02/22/06 19:33
I assume you asked and he said no, that is weird. It might have been because you where drunk (if you where techniquely that is rape since you legally couldn't consent).
jason - 02/22/06 12:34
He didn't give it to you?

Hmm...something must be wrong with that boy.
salvatore - 02/22/06 10:39
Uh yeah, there never WAS any Gretchen was there? it was sort of like a fightclub thing, no? ;)
paul - 02/22/06 03:07
i never finished

02/15/2006 17:43 #33642

Luv and Sex
Ok, well...
valentines day...
I'm participating in this show at squeeky wheel.



imk2 - 02/16/06 00:37
hmm, i have a friend who lives at hotel lenox. will def try to check out the show.

02/09/2006 23:07 #33641

community alert on good deals
Guten morgen peeps,
I went to St. Vincents charity shop on main st. this morning(late last night in my time) and I have to say they have tons of steel coffee mugs with lids for only 50 cents, yes that is correct, 50 cents in a variety of shapes and styles.
here is a run down of what I got.

"because it's Bitter and Because it's my Heart" a Joyce Carol Oats book
one family snap shot
one new crotchet bright green scarf.
one pair or red plaid pants
one coffee mug

This came to a grand total of 2.99

As great as they are there is something sad about thrift stores. I was looking at the PJ's because I may need some for the love and sex show. It was disturbing me because I had to wonder if any old ladies died in those gowns and robes, you know? and then the family snapshot I found in a frame. I'll scan it. It's the reason I got the joyce carol oats. book, I needed to smuggle the photo out because I didn't want the frame. I have to wonder why a person would donate their family snapshot to a store. I like the photo because of the man on the steps behind the women. I think I'm going to send it to Germany as a post card.


ladycroft - 02/10/06 01:15
2.99 - what a deal!

02/09/2006 08:23 #33640

The Divisions of Prisoners of War
excerpt on american civil war

"By the end of The War, Union prisoners were segregated by rank into different prisons. It was thought that by separating officers and enlisted men escapes would be reduced. Prior to 1864, there were 3 major camps:
1) Camp Sumter, Andersonville, Georgia for non-commissioned officers ( * )
2) Camp Oglethorpe, Macon, Georgia for company grade officers (mostly Captains and Lieutenants)
3) Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia, for Majors, Colonels, and Generals.
and there was some mixing of prisoners, but this is the general structure of the Confederate Military Prison system.

excerpt on WWII
"The German system separated officers from enlisted men and sent them out to the various camps, which were know as Stalag Lufts. These airmen's camps were administered by the German Luftwaffe and the Abwehr. Once inside the wire, the new Kriegesgefangenen or "Kriegie" was once more among his own. At Stalag Lufts I and III and VIIA, the Senior American Officer (SAO) was in charge. At Lufts VI, IV and Stalag 17b, enlisted airmen elected the Man of Confidence (MOC) as their top man."

now I'm wondering about the USA's current prisoner camps. I guess they are not POW camps because the people they have incarcerated are not necessarily associated with any nationalistic military. Here is an interesting wiki thread called"Talk:Concentration camp"

ah, here . why is this happening? is it really happening. if you can't see it or hear it, smell it or taste it, could you at least feel it?

ever wonder how you got to be sittin in that chair? maybe I am imprisoned by my jobs, obligations, responsibilities, capital dependency upon material goods and so on but at least I can walk away if I feel it's right for me or at least I have the power to kill myself if things are to unbearable.

Ok, back to my original knowledge quest. I've never understood why old men are so obsessed with war, like my dad and his Time Life collections. I just want to know how the history is relevant to today. How exactly do they divide the current prisoners? What is their strategy for that?
chaibiscoot - 02/09/06 14:23

here is a book that you might want to take a look at. "Forced Passages: Imprisoned Radical Intellectuals and the Formation of the U.S. Prison Regime" by Dylan Rodriguez. Ive heard it is fabulous and even more fabulous is that he (fingers crossed) might be hired by the American Studies department. More about him here:

02/03/2006 23:59 #33639

shameless self promotion and links
Ok, here are a few links inspired by Jessika. She has me wondering about the origins of the Pink. One of these web sites has some nice photos from all around buffalo. I couldn't find anything about tunnels though. Maybe some of you long time buffalonians can tell me about the history of the pink's structure.

on the pink

Underground Video
CEPA, 617 Main Street
Basement Gallery and Window
Opening Saturday, Feb. 4, 7:00 - 10:00

After party at Arzu Ozkal Telhan's
114 Elmwood Ave. between Allen and North
Featuring special guest *Orkan Telhan*

Opening in the Underground Gallery and the Window on Main Street will
be an exhibition entitled Underground Video. Underground Video
presents recent video and installation work by five emerging artists
based in Buffalo, NY. The show offers alternative views of the
everyday, public space, work, play, memory, and family, revealing new
possibilities for disruption and meditation. The exhibition includes
work by Robin, Soyeon Jung, Elizabeth Knipe, Arzu Ozkal
Telhan, Julie Perini. Examples of their work can be found at the
following links.

Liz Knipe
Julie Perini
Robin Diane
Arzu Ozkal Telhan
Soyeon Jung
joshua - 02/04/06 15:02
Robin Diane - shameless! I love it though.
jessbob - 02/04/06 09:21
Hey, the link to your site isn't working. It says account expired
leetee - 02/04/06 09:19
Loved the Buffalo history links. Thanks for posting them. Being somehwat new to Buffalo, it is interesting to find out some of the stories others who have lived here for a long time might know.. or heard of.

FYI, this is what i get when i click on your link:

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