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02/28/2006 13:39 #33648

"Ma" Rainey
I just got the oldest Ma Rainey record and it is off the chain!

My Apt. is a fucking wreck. I need a clear space and poster board to make a thesis outline. The dilemma is all of the sources and finding what they relate to.
I enjoy this Dada Manifesto by Tristan Tzara because of

I'm writing this manifesto to show that you can perform contrary actions at the same time, in one single, fresh breath; I am against action; as for continual contradiction, and affirmation too, I am neither for nor against them, and I won't explain myself because I hate common sense.

For me it's important make connections between things which aren't related. The title of my thesis is "the Barest Threads" I will be writing about class, gender, race, regions, nations and dialect but the title is also a reference to the strings that hold my edits together. Some of the things I'm looking for are the threads that travel through all of my work.
I wonder is their anything new that i like? I'm also reading Nietzsche's "The Use and Abuse of History." If only I weren't continuously distracted by this damn machine.

02/26/2006 18:37 #33647

i just found a certain someone's debit card. also an athletic club and cappuccino card. it looks as though mike's idea came to life despite my non subtle tactics. we'll figure it out.
mike - 02/26/06 23:49
I knew it! I knew that was your plan all along! But hey I think to have free drinks and be able to hang out in your pjs with you, a debit card and gym membership is a small price to pay and I'm sure (e:terry) feels the same.

02/26/2006 16:13 #33646

eh huhu
thanks for showing up, letting me sleep on your couch, etc.
I'll scan my documentation later.
strange event. i was wasted. did anyone see the screening? i wish i could have ran around more but i was comfortable in my room.

02/24/2006 14:01 #33645

more name game
first and middle + the combo

robin --

A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult

diane --

Benevolent to a fault

robin diane --

Sexually stunning

02/24/2006 03:14 #33644

ok, lets see
Yeah yeah, my sister remembers going to see "Song of the South" she's 2 years older. I'm trying to get her to visit and bring Kiah. She wants to wait till it warms up so we can take Kiah to Niagara Falls.

The peep show...
I think it will be fun for me. I ordered 10 pairs of men's pajamas. I still need to go looking for some ladies pajamas. I'm going to invite people to get comfortable. right now I'm compressing my drunken solitude DVD. Julie is going to be marrying people again, so come on down and get hitched, or renew those vows, p m and t.

i wasn't right about the rust belt thing or maybe I was but also they have presale tickets at other places. I'll post the info below. Come and get in the bed with me and I promise you free drinks.

by the way, Metal Peter, if your whole drunken consent thing is true then I've raped many a man in my life and further more, what if both parties are drunk?

A love-and-sex-themed extravaganza
17 Artist Installations
Live Music
Film and Video Screening
Silent Auction
and much more
Saturday, February 25, 8 p.m.-2 a.m.
Hotel Lenox, 140 North Street

Squeaky Wheel is proud to present Buffalo's very first Peep Show, a love-and-sex-themed art party at the historic Hotel Lenox. 17 art installations will be located in the intimate settings of 8th-floor hotel rooms, and a full program of films and videos will be offered downstairs. The Lenox lobby will feature live music by David Kane, Taylor Made Jazz, and the Paul Kozlowski Trio; DJs will spin in the banquet room. Attendees can bid on sexy works by area artists in the silent auction, while enjoying Flirtinis and other refreshments on two bar levels.

Get your tickets at New World Record or Talking Leaves Books, $12 in advance, $15 at the door.

Be able to say: I went to Peep Show in the early years!

All proceeds benefit Squeaky Wheel/Buffalo Media Resources.