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03/09/2006 23:09 #33653

Category: 2 hours later
To back my self up from earlier here is a little qoute

We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.
-Robin Morgan

I was riding back from the store on my bike (gotta love this weather) a few minutes ago when I remembered something. When I was a child I went to an elementary school that was missing most of the doors to the stalls in the bathroom. I think I was 9 or 10. My class was having a party and they passed out candy to all of us. I decided I had to go take take a leak and so I went to the restroom. I walked into the last door less stall and sat down on my throne. While I was sitting a little girl came to the back and looked at me. She immediately covered her mouth with her hand and exclaimed "ah ah ah." I was like, oh shit, "What?" and she said "you got candy, we ain't allowed" I said "my class is havin a party so we are allowed."

Other than that I went to okcupid and took their quiz. This is what they had to say about my answers.

Genghis Khunt
Random Brutal Sex Master (RBSMf)

But we figured you wouldn't understand, and rightly so. We don't understand either. So you are Genghis Khunt: master of man, bringer of pain--riding your way to conquest after conquest.

Your sexual avarice is legendary. You've already had an unusually high amount of experience, and, still you look for more. You intimidate many. You make no apologies.

Your exact opposite:
The Sonnet
Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer

Personality-wise, you're carefree and relatively easy-going. You don't plan things out ahead of time; you tend to live in the moment. Of course, this can cause some damage when the moment happens to include a screaming orgasm with his younger brother. Hence the 'brutal' tag we've given you.

But you know what, take five seconds to lock the doors, and you'll be fine. There's nothing wrong with a little sex, or a whole lot.

note to Matthew- I'm going to miss your party. That bums me out but I gotta go to Georgia next week.
note to Terry- don't you want your plastic, honey? It's just sitting there
chaibiscoot - 03/10/06 07:27
hey robin. i thought this might interest you.
This Inidn American kid auctioned off his soul over ebay.
terry - 03/10/06 04:41
I's sho do hunny! I tried to stop by on some night this week but you weren't there. Are you around today. I'm off and it seems like a lovely day for a stroll. I wish I had yo numbah, then i could ring ya up. Since you wrote this at like 4 i'm assumin you're not gonna be up fo a while. I'll see ya tho latah.

03/03/2006 04:23 #33652

fer ajay
1. Did you support President Bush's decision to invade Iraq in 2003?
If yes, and knowing what you know today, would you change your answer?
Nope, even my newly "republican" grandma didn't like that one.

2. Do you think this Administration deliberately overstated the threat posed by Saddam in 2002 in making its claim to Congress? (ref. Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1964).
Yeah, of course, rich politicians have their own agendas.

3. Almost as many people were killed by Katrina as were killed in 9/11. Do you think the reaction of this Administration has been even-handed to these two events? If not, why not?
No, it ain't the same. I hoped for a war on nature but that's a war that takes time. It's more immediate to wage a war on other people. Some says it's about the oil but I think it's about the people because they are the most valuable natural resource.

4. Do you think the enmasse wiretapping of phonecalls of American citizens by the Administration that has been revealed recently was illegal?
No, the patriot act made it legal, right? Yes, this is a fucked country where the government can do anything. Did I mention I work for the state? Why doesn't it apply to me as an individual? shit!

5. Do you think gays should have the right to marry?
No, nobody should. What the hell is marriage anyway? People should have the right to stay together if they want, no papers attached.

6. Do you support a woman's right to unhindered access to abortion?
Yes. If the world were a little less fucked up women might feel better bringing their kids into it, aka, destroy the patriarchy!

7. Do you support the idea of mandatory prayer in schools? If yes, would you support a Muslim Imam leading the prayers in your child(ren)'s school?
No, that should be a choice, at the same time there is little choice, you're kind of born into that religious shit. The first institution is family, then religion, school and govt. You can switch around the last three but the first is right on... unless you go to foster home.

8. Do you support the right of a person to grow a little bit of pot in
his/her home and consume it as s/he sees it fit? Assume the same
laws about DUI, DWI, etc. apply.
Come on. I support the right of meth users to kill themselves with the drug.

9. Do you support the idea of a national healthcare system? Why, or why not?
I don't know. Seeing as how I'm I debtor and not much of a moneymaker this rule doesn't matter so much. I don't have health insurance, at least not that I know of and I have to say it's a pain in my ass. I need to go to the dentist, you know? At the same time I don't want to take money from the proletariat who is wasting their life to put food on the table.

10.For self-identified Democrats/Republicans/Libertarians/Greens alike: would your answers to any of the questions 1-4 above be different if the President was (or was not, if you're Republican) from your party?
If yes, which ones and why?

03/02/2006 17:39 #33651

bored as usual

my good old dad sent me this, hahaha.
not really...
i don't know if it's funny.
I am mad at mrs. clinton because of the damn chemicals that make my cigarette go out and taste like shit so... i guess it is funny.

in the mean time I'm supposted to go do things today but I'm so tired and lazy with papers to write. I may go to nyc tomorrow, not sure yet but it's looking that way. Should I go on a quest to find tk while there? Arzu and Oz will come as well.

03/02/2006 17:39 #33650

bored as usual


my good old dad sent me this, hahaha.
not really...
i don't know if it's funny.

03/01/2006 11:05 #33649

jesus christ
republican, democrat....
who gives a flying fuck,
big generalizations in a fake democracy.

I've been awake to long. Let's all become radical leftist or better yet just radicals. That's more fun.
joshua - 03/01/06 13:08
I'm Josh first, political last. I suppose if you line up all of my beliefs I'd end up being a right-leaning moderate but I love your point... in the end all they are really are terms.

I dunno Robin, I'm beginning to like you more and more although we haven't "officially" met.

Now go to sleep! :)