01/30/2006 15:54 #33634
be there or be squareCategory: artsy fartsy
calling all peeps!
I'm in a cepa show. Cool. Come come come. Pleaseeeee.
I wanna show y'all some things, things you may like or not like but how will you know if you don't come?
01/28/2006 17:55 #33633
I found one of my old high school friends on My Space. I sent him a pic of him and his girlfriend/ now wife and he sent me this picture or my and my old friend shannon. I have no idea when this was taken. Maybe i was 15 or 16.
01/28/2006 14:53 #33632
tonight round' 10 or 11 I'm going to HEAD OVER TO SQUEAKY WHEEL FOR THE RESOLUTIONS AFTER PARTY (712 Main St.)
Featuring a performance by HEADLESS BABY + 3 and installations by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock; Gregg Biermann; Brandon Blommaert; Jax DeLuca; Stephanie Maxwell in collaboration with Peter Byrne and Allan Schindler; Mike Olenick; Julie Perini; and Rozi Peters.
01/24/2006 22:43 #33631
so i thought I could cookCategory: everyday
and I burned the stuff, the fucking dried tomatoes. How is one supposed to cook those things? Then the smoke detector in my bedroom went off and in a few moments I will head down to the pink smelling of garlic and onions. At least that should keep the vampires away.
I hear it will snow and be cold. I've really got to sort out this bureaucratic car stuff. I guess I'll be waking up early, watching it's a Different World and the Cosby show then walking my happy ass to the metro station.
Today on the shuttle bus to north campus I was noticing the smell of people on public transport. I could so smell the garlic on my fingers. Then I could smell the waves of musk from the boy new to me. It was unpleasant musk. I hate that. I wish I could love every smell. Let's think of the 5 senses. Ok, It is possible to hear good and bad sounds, smell good and bad smells, taste good and bad taste, see good and bad sites, and touch good and bad materials. It's strange that something that taste good doesn't necessarily smell good and so on. What a deceitful world we live in.
01/20/2006 20:03 #33630
thanks tennille whoever u r
Three magic words - "Is it free?"
Hmm.. let's see...yep the calendar is wide fucking open. I haven't chatted with Soyeon in a while either. I may just show up.