i'm so tired, totally jet lagged and drank half a bottle of cold medicine this morning. I've been awake since 5:30. I'm at north campus waiting around for rzoo to finish up so I can try to hitch a ride home. I want to have a long nap and go over to the pink after that. I have some drinking buddies I need to catch up with. I can't wait to have a chicken sandwich from the pink. Come on out y'all!
What an easy day for my students. I kept them here for 30 minutes. That is all. Monday will be serious, ha ha. It's time to animate some shit (not literally). I plan on making some really silly demos. I think this is going to be a fun class. I was happy to force register a girl. I love boys and everything but I have to wonder why my classes are always so predominately male. Don't woman want to make movies, express themselves? It is strange that there are so many female grad students but so few female undergrads, at least in my area. What is up with that?
I feel like I'm back at home, back at my institution. I feel a million miles from weimar and it makes me sad because even though there were less people who cared about me there, I felt as though I had more space to follow my desires, less responsibilities. One thing I realized in weimar is how much I love teaching. I hope these students don't think I'm to much of a flake after the brief performance I gave them today. Well, I told them I'm insane and if they can't deal with it...run.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/18/2006 16:30 #33628
sorry hos01/18/2006 06:54 #33627
blahDefinitions of jet lag on the Web:
* Condition resulting when travel across time zones leaves a person feeling "out of sync" with local time at his or her destination.
* A temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of rapid air travel across time zones.
* A disturbance induced by a major rapid shift in environmental time during travel to a new time zone. Symptoms include fatigue, sleep and impaired alertness.
* Definition: The tired, often disorienting way a passenger feels after traveling through many time zones in a short amount of time.
* fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the body's normal circadian rhythm as a result of jet travel
* Jet lag (or "jetlag"), also jet syndrome, is a physical condition caused by crossing time zones during flight. The condition is generally believed to be the result of disruption to the circadian rhythms (i.e. the "light/dark" cycle) of the body. It can also be exacerbated by experiencing sudden changes in climate or seasonal conditions, as well as the reduced oxygen, partial pressure, excess noise and low humidity commonly experienced in the cabin of an aircraft.
Good Morning everybody. I'm a little insane right now. I don't understand how I can have jet jag when I have such a fucked up sleeping pattern but I'm certain that I do. Eastwood says that sometimes it can take 10 days to get over. I didn't notice a problem when I flew into Berlin, or course at that time I went on a week long drinking binge that involved seeing the sun rise a few times. I keep having these dreams about people I met in weimar. Usually I'm in my hometown in GA in the dreams. that's weird.
Well, tonight is wednesday so I reckon I'm going to mosey on down to the pink round midnight. Looks like pink night could be moving to thursday due to the ladies teaching schedules. Speaking of teaching I have a course to teach at 1 today. Today is an easy day though so...
Unfortunately I ran up a huge library fine in my absence from UB. I've come to the conclusion that libraries are evil capitalist institutions. I should know for sure by tomorrow. It's time for me to take a bath, go have one of those feta spinach omelets at town diner and then off to the train to get to school. Eastwood gave me a car last night but I've got to get the title and inspection shit straight before I drive it.
My god! Ich habe eine gross hunger.
* Condition resulting when travel across time zones leaves a person feeling "out of sync" with local time at his or her destination.
* A temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of rapid air travel across time zones.
* A disturbance induced by a major rapid shift in environmental time during travel to a new time zone. Symptoms include fatigue, sleep and impaired alertness.
* Definition: The tired, often disorienting way a passenger feels after traveling through many time zones in a short amount of time.
* fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the body's normal circadian rhythm as a result of jet travel
* Jet lag (or "jetlag"), also jet syndrome, is a physical condition caused by crossing time zones during flight. The condition is generally believed to be the result of disruption to the circadian rhythms (i.e. the "light/dark" cycle) of the body. It can also be exacerbated by experiencing sudden changes in climate or seasonal conditions, as well as the reduced oxygen, partial pressure, excess noise and low humidity commonly experienced in the cabin of an aircraft.
Good Morning everybody. I'm a little insane right now. I don't understand how I can have jet jag when I have such a fucked up sleeping pattern but I'm certain that I do. Eastwood says that sometimes it can take 10 days to get over. I didn't notice a problem when I flew into Berlin, or course at that time I went on a week long drinking binge that involved seeing the sun rise a few times. I keep having these dreams about people I met in weimar. Usually I'm in my hometown in GA in the dreams. that's weird.
Well, tonight is wednesday so I reckon I'm going to mosey on down to the pink round midnight. Looks like pink night could be moving to thursday due to the ladies teaching schedules. Speaking of teaching I have a course to teach at 1 today. Today is an easy day though so...
Unfortunately I ran up a huge library fine in my absence from UB. I've come to the conclusion that libraries are evil capitalist institutions. I should know for sure by tomorrow. It's time for me to take a bath, go have one of those feta spinach omelets at town diner and then off to the train to get to school. Eastwood gave me a car last night but I've got to get the title and inspection shit straight before I drive it.
My god! Ich habe eine gross hunger.
01/16/2006 17:47 #33626
i miss weimarI really am going crazy. I want to see. I want to be there laying around, sleeping, getting drunk, getting in the way, staring at a screen, hearing familiar voices, seeing facial expressions change with the sounds from lips, occasionally making folks talk to me in English, watching vivi and schnigg put together a sink, glaring when something happens I disagree with, smiling when I feel happy.
This is a different kind of isolation here on normal ave.. It's just no one is here, to make me smile, to piss me off, or even just to ignore each other. I have to readjust.
This is a different kind of isolation here on normal ave.. It's just no one is here, to make me smile, to piss me off, or even just to ignore each other. I have to readjust.
paul - 01/17/06 00:12
Lets hang out!
Lets hang out!
01/16/2006 04:55 #33625
mama and daddy's houseCategory: adairsville
I turn on the TV and flip through the 250 channels but nothing is on. I go into the kitchen and look at shelves full of food but I find nothing to eat.
My sister made me burn this song for her. You gotta love dolly's hard candy Christmas.
Hey, maybe I'll dye my hair
Maybe I'll move somewhere
Maybe I'll get a car
Maybe I'll drive so far
They'll all lose track
Me, I'll bounce right back
Maybe I'll sleep real late
Maybe I'll lose some weight
Maybe I'll clear my junk
Maybe I'll just get drunk on apple wine
Me, I'll be just
Fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow get me way down
Hey, maybe I'll learn to sew
Maybe I'll just lie low
Maybe I'll hit the bars
Maybe I'll count the stars until dawn
Me, I will go on
Maybe I'll settle down
Maybe I'll just leave town
Maybe I'll have some fun
Maybe I'll meet someone
And make him mine
Me, I'll be just
Fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting throung tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
'cause I'll be fine
(I'll be fine)
Oh, I'll be fine
I'll be back in Buffalo at 11 tomorrow. Perhaps I will feel more normal once I get back to my little apartment on Normal. Maybe I'll see some of y'all at the pink this Wednesday!
My sister made me burn this song for her. You gotta love dolly's hard candy Christmas.
Hey, maybe I'll dye my hair
Maybe I'll move somewhere
Maybe I'll get a car
Maybe I'll drive so far
They'll all lose track
Me, I'll bounce right back
Maybe I'll sleep real late
Maybe I'll lose some weight
Maybe I'll clear my junk
Maybe I'll just get drunk on apple wine
Me, I'll be just
Fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow get me way down
Hey, maybe I'll learn to sew
Maybe I'll just lie low
Maybe I'll hit the bars
Maybe I'll count the stars until dawn
Me, I will go on
Maybe I'll settle down
Maybe I'll just leave town
Maybe I'll have some fun
Maybe I'll meet someone
And make him mine
Me, I'll be just
Fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting throung tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord it's like a hard candy christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
'cause I'll be fine
(I'll be fine)
Oh, I'll be fine
I'll be back in Buffalo at 11 tomorrow. Perhaps I will feel more normal once I get back to my little apartment on Normal. Maybe I'll see some of y'all at the pink this Wednesday!
01/09/2006 23:04 #33624
an hour of procrastinationCategory: last in weimar entry
So here
the famous,
The sleep of reason produces monsters

Here is a further description of this plate.

Perhaps isolation has caused a slight alternation of my reason currently. I'm not so isolated in physical space as I am in mental. Soon that will be switched around. I will once again be able to comprehend the signs that signify mundane dinner conversation.
and here is a link to Goya's Black Painting series

I'm not a huge fan of old paintings but Goya is where I make an exception. When I was a child flipping through my daddy's art history book, "Art Throughout the Ages" a 1960's version; the one painting that always stood out to me was "Saturn Devouring His Children." I misread the title in my youth at thought it was titled "Satan Devouring His Children" and it frightened me so much because I was a child and I couldn't think of why anyone would want to eat me. I wonder why I didn't identify myself as a child of Jesus? I was saved and baptised after all. I knew. I already knew. God Damn
So here
the famous,
The sleep of reason produces monsters

Here is a further description of this plate.

Perhaps isolation has caused a slight alternation of my reason currently. I'm not so isolated in physical space as I am in mental. Soon that will be switched around. I will once again be able to comprehend the signs that signify mundane dinner conversation.
and here is a link to Goya's Black Painting series

I'm not a huge fan of old paintings but Goya is where I make an exception. When I was a child flipping through my daddy's art history book, "Art Throughout the Ages" a 1960's version; the one painting that always stood out to me was "Saturn Devouring His Children." I misread the title in my youth at thought it was titled "Satan Devouring His Children" and it frightened me so much because I was a child and I couldn't think of why anyone would want to eat me. I wonder why I didn't identify myself as a child of Jesus? I was saved and baptised after all. I knew. I already knew. God Damn
Oh Robin we love your posts. You are oldschool. And you always have something interesting. We were talking more along the lines of "why dont I have a bf" "this is about my ex bf" "these are my feelings on friday night and they really only pertain to myself" kind things" We may have to do a little clarification. And really the best part is someone can say f you Im gonna post anyways. Thus the fiest...