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04/13/2005 22:37 #33548

I remember I was nervous waiting to go out into the big public bathtub. I was in a women's bathroom with wood paneling. There were other women/girls in there waiting. I don't think my mom was in there. I may have brought a change of clothes with me maybe in a plastic bag. We were in the fellowship hall behind the church. I stepped out of a little side door to go in front of an audience of church members and the preacher said some stuff then he ducked me under water. It was a little scary.. He could have drowned me right there in front of everyone. Well, maybe somebody would have stopped him. My shirt stuck to my skin afterward and my mom may have said "maybe you shouldn't have worn a white shirt". I don't know, I was a little kid. Why does my mom buy into it?
Maybe I should baptize some people. What could I say to the spectators before I did it? How about "This person is going to let me duck then under water without my having to chase them around or anything, therefore I deem them cool." If you want to be baptized by me let me know and I'll gather some spectators.

04/13/2005 21:21 #33547

writing something
I just got back from school. I went to the Kurtz symposium and learned about the patriot act but I had to bail out early so I could give Jake a ride to Kinko's. I showed the video I've been working on in Eastwood's class today. I was hoping for praise and congratulations but instead I got the usual kind of comments "Where is this going? This should be two videos..." and so on. I guess if I want praise and congratulations I should have a baby but then I'd probably get the "are you sure you're ready for a life long commitment, a child is a lot of responsibility , Robin, your brand of diaper rash ointment is inferior this is the better choice, you're breast feeding and smoking that's wrong" comments. Ah, I'll never be content.

04/11/2005 20:47 #33546

hot lanta
Ajay it's funny to hear about your trip to Atlanta because I lived there for years. I don't think I've ever even heard anyone say they had a good time at the underground. That place is a total tourist trap. I've never been to Stone Mountain, all I know about that place is they have a Pink Floyd laser light show and it's the KKK headquarters.
I always make that same drive when I visit my family. It's exciting to get to Tennessee. That's how I know I'm close to home. That and the warm humid air.

04/11/2005 20:29 #33545

close enough?


04/11/2005 03:43 #33544

never mind
the cleaning thing will wait. Maybe once school is out...