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Robin's Journal

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10/29/2004 03:16 #33470

party this weekend looks at Soyeon's journal!

10/26/2004 11:44 #33469

I only want to sit on the beach
The beach is a boring vacation destination and i feel like it's what i need right now. I'm sick of reading all this god damn bullshit on a deadline. I want to take my books to the beach where I'd have nothing else to do but fry myself and read.
I've also gotta work at being as asshole teacher.
This morning I watched the teens going to high school while I sat on my loveseat clipping my toenails. How well trained those teens are. Up and at it at 8 in the morning with the frost on the ground and everything. I remember tracking through the grass on the way to my 6th grade class in the trailer, feeling tired and doclie. I wonder why I can't be content to just go through the motions anymore? What do I want from me?

10/22/2004 18:22 #33468

been a while
I no longer have internet in my house so writing this journal has become a difficulty. I'm also in gogogogo work mode up here at school. I'm shooting a video this weekend and hopefully it will rock super hard. I love y'all.

10/04/2004 01:30 #33467

keep on truckin
I'm at Soyeon's house. She is making my favorite soup. I'm so greatful to have Soy's friendship. It's cold in my apartment becasue the heat still isn't on. I don't have an internet connection yet either. Last night was another late night. I have to chill out with the running around town at odd hours. I've had fun though.

09/29/2004 01:37 #33466

I wonder if Orgasms are bad for conserving energy. They say that women get energy when they have orgasms but I get sleepy. If one were to go without sex or masturbation they would get energy for sublimation or whatever but is that true?
Andy told me that when we have sex and I don''t have orgasms (which is pretty much whenever we have) he feels like I'm just draining his energy. Then he told me about some old dude who lives on a mountain with a bunch of good-looking young wives and he always gives them orgasms and never has one himself so the only reason he's able to be alive (being as old as he is and everything) is to take this orgasm energy from his wives.
I don't know but I think it's time to pack up my vibrator so it stops distracting me, it is a little embarrassing when Soyeon comes over and sees it. I'm thinking my freedom of masturbation is a good reason for deciding against the roommate situation.