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09/29/2004 00:43 #33465

Enough Procrastinating
I'm in the midst of moving. Soyeon came over today and helped me move a few car loads. I have to get a truck Thursday so I can move all the way. It feels weird to have this transition over to another apartment. I'm not sure if I should be there or here. I'm afraid of what's going to happen if its just me and Soy moving the furniture. I wish I could get all my lady friends who were at the film professors cooking the other night to come over here and help me move but what do women like more, cooking or moving heavy crap down three flights of stairs? I'd rather cook and I hate cooking.
The other day I showed my students Human Tornado , a Rudy Ray Moore film and they're going to write a little response so that's cool. I want to know what they think but they're quite people. I don't know much about Blaxploitation so I'm trying to learn from their opinions. The wikipedia has a good article on Blaxploitation. I like Dolemite a lot, it kind of has the same production quality that Pink Flamingos and other early John Waters films have. There is something about cheap films from the 70's that I love.

09/27/2004 18:05 #33464

I'm moving to be by myself. I have to do it. I need to live a solitary existence perhaps in time Keith and Jon will come to understand. I hope so.

09/27/2004 05:50 #33463

andy wore my panties, he told me so on the phone.

I think I've figured out what to get him for christmas.[inlink]robin,147[/inlink]

09/26/2004 20:55 #33462

deodorant memories

I started wearing deodorant when I was 10. I got out of PE and went into the car with my Mom and she was all "SHew, you stink." after that she made me wear deodorant.
I smell yo.
My first day teaching this semester I got these sweat stains under my arms, fucking bodily functions even deodorant couldn't save me from that.

09/25/2004 15:20 #33461

Keith and Jon are my friends and we get along pretty well. Last night I was looking down from the neighbors window at Keith being drunk stumbling around the yard and I realized what a great Frankenstein he would make in his intoxicated state.